2016 Combined
Teacher, soph ear11/laurels ~ Jenna Wright, of Mad- , · , . .::---- named to the Phi Theta 8 den, mathematics instruc- -~~;: ~. -:?' Kappa All-Mississippi ! tor and sophomore Ben ,~. Academic Team. Q Pace of Philadelphia rep- He serves as president C( resented East Central of the Presidents Council, ID Community College at the co-president of Warrior ~ recent Higher Education Corps and Phi Theta rl) Appreciation Day: Work- Kapa, and is a member of I ing for Academic Excel- the Concert Choir, Phi lence program Tuesday, . ~1..11.,; _ Beta Lambda, Sigma Sig i'\.,,,.-- Feb. 2, in Jackson. J. .·- -· -·. . . ma Mu Tau and Students The annual observance ' 'J \· '!~' ~- )/ Against Destructive Deci honors academically tal- · , · sions. ented students and faculty · He is a former member from the 36 public and pri- of the Wall O' Sound Band vate member institutions and Ac'cents Show Choir. of the Mississippi Associa- He is the son of Derek tion of Colleges. and Patty Pace of Phila Wright has served at delphia. the college since 2012. WRIGHT PACE Honorees at the State She earned a bachelor's Capitol were welcomed by degree in math education She is a former gradu- Pace is a pre-dental Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves and at Troy State University ate teaching assistant at major and a graduate of recognized in each legisla and completed a master's Mississippi State. Neshoba Central High tive chamber. in statistics at Mississippi She and her husband, School. During a luncheon stu State University. Eric, reside in Madden. A Dean's List scholar, dents and faculty hon I ~ . :::> '-.. U) 0 w ~ :E ~ 0:: f:: z w ~ ::> g ! 8 ~ 8 z z ·o o ~ I;; ~ w I u I I ~z he was selected for Who's orees were recognized in
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Who Among Students in front of guests, institution American Colleges and leaders, corporate spon Universities and was sors and legislators.
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