2016 Combined
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If yson selected instructor of the year Speech instructor Rachel fyson of Morton was selected East Central 'community College's "Humanities Instructor of the Year" and was rec ognized October 19, 20J5, on the Decatur campus. Tyson presented a special pro gram, held in conjunction with Arts ~ Efil CENTR 4iL Ji'l~ CO ~m ~ 1TY C Ol lfG t and Humanities Month in the Vickers Central Community College, Fine Arts Center auditorium. received a bachelor's d~gree in jour Prior to joining East Central Com munity College in August of 2011, Tyson served as executive director of the Muscular Dystrophy Association from 2006 to 2011. While at MDA she served as camp director at Camp Wesley Pines where she oversaw 50 children with Muscular Dystrophy. She also taught adjunct for Belhaven College from 2008 untiI 2011.
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During her presentation titled nalism from William Carey Universi- "Around the World: And Still Lost in ty in 2004 and was awarded a mas Translation," Tyson related her per- ter's degree in Mass Communication sonal and professional journey with in 2006 from the University ofSouth the uniqueness of educating students em Mississippi. While in college, in the humanities while living in cen- Tyson visited five of the seven conti tral Mississippi. nents working on various missions ·ryson is a 2002 graduate of East and cultural exchange projects.
She has been married since 2006 to Steven Tyson of Morton, who is the customer service manager for Packaging Corporation ofAmerica. Tyson is the daughter of Jerry and Vera George ofMorton.
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