2016 Combined
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:lt-::>8 w ~ n ..• East Central has started new 4-day class schedule
East Central Community College has implemented a pilot four-day class sched ule beginning with the spring 2016 semes ter in January aimed at enhancing student success and teaching and learning. The college's Board of Trustees approved the two-semester pilot initiative at its September meeting. East Central Community College Pres ident Dr. Billy Stewart said a four-day class schedule has been shown to improve student completion and retention rates at other community colleges in Mississippi, which aligns with ECCC's 2020 Vision strategic plan. "Two of the institutional commitments of 2020 Vision are Student Success and Teaching and Learning," said Stewart, who initiated the strategic planning process in 2012. "Everything we do is aimed at ensuring the academic and life success of our students. Research at col leges we consulted that are currently oper ating on a four-day class schedule indi cates that student learning is enhanced, and that is what we hope the four-day class schedule will accomplish at East Central Community College.''
Under the pilot program, the college will hold classes Monday through Thurs day, with Friday being devoted to learning and studying opportunities for students and professional development and advis ing opportunities for faculty. "Fridays will be an opportunity for stu dents to participate in learning activities outside of the classroom, such as intern ships and the Success Center, as well as band, choir, intercollegiate athletics and other extracurricular activities," Stewart said. "Faculty will be available for office visits from students, prepare for classes, and have time to attend professional development opportunities." Stewart said that the college's health care programs as well as the cosmetology program will continue to meet five days a week because of the number of training and clinical hours required by state boards and agencies. There could also be some academic science labs on Friday if neces sary to accommodate student need. Stewart stressed that the college will operate as normal on Fridays, with the exception of a full slate of classes. Resi dence halls will maintain their current
operational times. The main cafeteria will remain open as usual on Fridays, and will adjust its breakfast, lunch and dinner hours Monday through Thursday to accommodate students under the new class schedule. It is anticipated that Monday and Wednesday class periods in the four-day class schedule will mirror the current Tuesday and Thursday class periods, which are an hour and 20 minutes in length. Holmes, Meridian, Mississippi Delta and Northeast Mjssissippi community col leges in Mississippi all operate on a four day class schedule. East Central adminis trators visited Northeast Mississippi Com munity College in the spring 2015, and consulted with the other colleges. Stewart said while East Central's goal is to enhance student success and learning opportunities, there are other benefits of a four-day class schedule. East Central students will now have more and longer activity periods during the week. The four-day class schedule will allow for four, SO-minute activity periods each week for student organizations and
clubs to meet as well as students to eat lunch. Commuter students should realize a savings in fuel costs, and students with part-time jobs will have the opportunity to work an extra shift on Fridays if they desire, among other advantages. "Our peer institutions have found that the four-day class schedule also gn·atly benefits non-traditional students who firio it easier to schedule classes around !ull tirne employment," Stewart said. "We alst~ believe it will help us provide a better learning and teaching environment fo: otif students and faculty because we wi 11 bC able to perform building, technology arid other maintenance in many instruct. •nal facilities on Fridays." The pilot four-day class schedule will be used during both the spring 2016 and fall 2016 semesters so that the college can study the effects of the schedule for a full year, including for first-time incoming freshmen who enter East Central in August 2016. Faculty and student surveys will be administered and data measurements on student academic perfonn~ will be evaluated during the two pilot semesters. w
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