2016 Combined
Prospect Perspective: Tim Anderson on his history, opportunity and motivation I FutureSox
Prospect Perspective: Tim Anderson on his histor.y. opportunity and motiyation " Matt Cassidy on FyrureSox Posted today at 7:50 am Should the White Sox "go over" on international spending? " Man Cassidy on FutureSox Posted February 12, 2016 ar 6:36 am Adam Engel - Are we ready to call him a legitimate starting outfield prospect? » Man Lynch on Fururesox Posted February 4, 2016 at 8:13 am Prospect interviews from Soxfest 2016 " Brian Bilek on Futuresox Posted February 3, 2016 at 7:52 am Interviews from SoxFest: GM Rick Hahn & SD Nick Hostetler ,. Brian Bilek on Futuresox Posted February 1, 2016 at 12:29 pm
the game of baseball. For much of the time, I was in love with the game of basketball. As a matter of fact, I took time off from baseball my freshman and sophomore years of high school due to two broken leg injuries. This time in my life was the lowest point in my sports career. I considered throwing in the towel; I just wanted to be done with baseball and basketball. There were many nights where I sat at home and cried to my parents, because I was so tired of getting injured in basketball. Yet, with the support of my family, I never gave up on myself. I kept fighting through this difficult time, and I was able to take advantage of several great opportunities. I still remember my first baseball game after recovering from my injuries. It was my junior year of high school, and I was told I would only play defense, in left field. I wasn't even in the batting line-up; the pitcher hit for me. As the season progressed, I worked my way up to hitting in the ninth spot. All in all, I finished my junior year with a pretty good season.
Trayce Thompson (71J Chicago White Sox (67) Jared Mitchell (58) MLB Draft (53) Micah Johnson (52J Kevan Smith (SO) courmey hawkins (SO)
Tyler Saladino (48) Tim Anderson (48) Andy Willcins (45) Showmore tags »
TM Allderson 111rows one down ror H lcres! H;g'1 School (ohoto supploed by
Going into my senior year, I was excited for basketball to begin. I earned the starting point guard position at Hillcrest High School. I was so dedicated to basketball that I ended up missing the first half of the baseball season so that I could help my team win the 6A Basketball State Championship. When basketball season came to an end, I went back out to baseball. I had another satisfying season as the starting second baseman. Toward the end of the season, a friend of mine mentioned my name to the head coach of East Central Community College, Coach Neil Holliman. Coach Holliman came out to see me play numerous times and gave me the opportunity to further my career by playing under him at ECCC. My freshman year at East Central, I earned the starting spot at shortstop. I ended my first year with 30 stolen bases, a .360 batting average, and 4 home runs. That summer is when I really had a chance to make a name for myself. I had an awesome summer playing in Kansas for the Dodge City A's in the Jayhawk League. There I put up really decent stats. My sophomore year was such a blessing. It was unreal; I felt like every time I stepped up to the plate, I got a hit. After my first two games where I went 7 for 8 with 3 homers, I knew that I had a real chance to make baseball the sport of my future. I finished my sophomore year at East Central with a .495 batting average and 41 stolen bases. Overall, there were many rough days at East Central with Coach Holliman; yet, hands down, I can give him all of the credit for my success, even today. He saw potential in me. He molded me to become the man I am today. Each and every day, he pushed me to the max. He would always ask me,
Wjll the Bears Play Tag wuh Alshon WTur.y1 trom 312 SPORTS by Bob Wai:1a posted today at 10:56 am Book Reyiew: Werewolf Nights. by Mari lkmill from The Bookahollc Bee by Bethany Price posted todayat 10:43 am DONNA DAY 2016; There Was a Time When Eyer.y Day Was Donna Day tram Mary 1)1er Mom by Mary Tyler Mom posted today at 10:28 am But Wbat If He..,,.... ? from From the Recesses of My Mind byHHHIs MyHero posted today at 10:08 am Is It Time to Sail to Cuba? from Live Your Dream: S;iQ I.alee Mlchlpn by GleM Mccarthy posted today ar 10:00 am
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