2016 Combined
WEEK OF _____l;=f-~---:J_?;;_._- ;).._,;a; lf ___
-ru Dorado, Ark. native Dylan Shields was recent ly named assistant men's basketball coach at East Central Community Col lege in Decatur. Shields' main responsi bili ti~s wilJ be recruiting coordinator with a focus on out-of- state players, opponent preparation and coordinating East Ce~tra1 men's basketball camps. Prior to joining the ECCC staff, Shields served as the assistant director of basketball operations and video coor dinator at the University of North Texas iri, Denton for two seasons from 2014 16. He was responsible for organizing summer camps and preparing game day and scouting reports. He served as a graduate assistant his first year at UNT. Shields received his bachelor's degree in Kine siology in 2014 from the University of Arkansas where he served as a stu- • dent basketball manager Jl under Coach John Pelphry from 2010-2011 and under Coach Mike Anderson 2011-2014. A 2010 graduate of
SHIELDS D. Shields to join EC men
Parkers Chapel (Ark.) High School, Shields was a three-year letterman shooting guard for the Trojans. He is married to the former Taylor Smith of El Dorado, Ark. Lady Warriors head
coach Crandall Porter was named MACJC Coach of the Year after guiding the APPEAREI team to another successful campaign, which included CARTHAG the state championship. NEWTON \.;UUN I ' l'\f"'f"' C l'\L. " - ----- SPIRIT OF MORTON ------- MERIDIAN STAR ----------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT _______ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ____ __ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL _ _ CLARION-LEDGER -------- OTHER ______________________________________________________________
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