2016 Combined
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BASKETBALL Taylor signs with ECCC women's hoops
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"She's naturally more of a point guard, but she played any position, one through ftve, for us," Luckett said. "I'm sure Coach Porter will likely play her at either the one, two or three po sition. Tbat's an advantage when you can play multiple spots, and she's smart enough to pick up all five posi tions because she had to do it in high school" Taylor had offers from just about evecy junior college in the region along with Delta State and AJ'kansas-Little Rock. She chose East Central because of their track record of improving players athletically and acadcmicalJy. "When I went there, they talked about education, learningto meet new people and how l'U be physically stronger and that l would improve in evecything- in school, in sports and cvccything," Taylor said. I ~~I I z ~~er:~ - 2 0S1- c -o•tn ! ~i!jl!s~ II. ~iim :c OZU>:&
By Brent Maze bmaze ; Autumn Ta}ior is a oompetitive per son. Naturally ·when Newton coach Mar cus Luckett challenges his team to give 110 percent, Taylor bas to give even more effort. "I give it 124 percent," Taylor said. "I give it 100 percent plus my number which is 24 to get 124 percent." "She always had to go a little farther than me," Luckett joked. (l's that competitive spirit andwork ethicthat allowed Taylor to sign a col lege scholarship with East Central Community College's women's bas ketball program, coached by Crandal Porter. Luckett said one ofthe keys to Tay lor's suooess has been her versatility. On hand for Autumn Taylor's scholarship signing with East Central Communlty College last week include, from left, (front) mother Latosha Burks, brother Tony Taylor, Autumn Taylor, brother Austin Taylor, aunt Evelyn Bender, (back) coach Marcus Luckett and assis tant coach BW Flowers. Brent Maw/ rhe Appeal
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