tl competed in the Mississippi Associ– East Central Community Coll~Nlayer~U:. iksketball Games on April 10. Pictured ation of Community and Junior eges Kristian Clark, RamoneTate, Tynlka are, from left, bead men's coach Robert Thompso~ bead women's coach Crandal Porter. Bender,Tashi-anaThompson, Jales1:11a ;~n~e South men to a 123-117 win over the Clark and Tate both scored 6 pointsJ ID el d Bender 3 to lead the South women to an North. Thompson scored 7 points, ones an 85-69 victory over the North squad. ubmltted photo

EC concert band,percussion ensemble to perform DECATUR - The East separate nig'hts," said Direc– Central lommunit~ Colll'ge tor of Bands Hunter Corhern. Wall 0' Sound BtUld \\Ill c•on- "This year, due to\time con– clude the spring-per£ormunce straints, we were forced to pire" by ,John Prescott; "Gad– get" by Rundall Standriclgu; "Cute" by Neal Hefti; and "Pixar Movie Magic" ble will conclude the night's festivities with original and pop selections including

''Cruzin' Jamaica," "Oyo Como Va" by Santana, ''The Ad– dams Family and Munsters." "Cantina Band" from Star Wars. "Amnesia'' by 5 Sec– onds of Summer, "Radioac– tive" by Imagine Dragons. and "Classical Gae:;" by ~iason Williams. which al"o feature Collegians director and gui– tar instructor Ch~ Evans.

season Tbtm;duy. April 23, combine these concerts, so when the Conrcrt Baud and we'll have an incredible two– Pcrl'ussion Ensemble per- hour concert to \\Tap up our form at 6::JO p.m. in !luff ,\u- semester." ditorium. 'I'he ECCC Concert Band, There is no charge for ad- under the direction of mission and thP public is in- Corht>rn , \\ill perform selec– vited. tion: including 'TheMagnifi- '1n the pn.st. the e two cent ~ven" by Ebner __ ~~~~~ .~''.~'~~' .. ~:ri >rm <:n / Bernstein; "Flight of the Vam- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL J ---- SPIRIT OF MORTON . I MERIDIAN STAR - ======""-=r='\=-/-- \i {

arranged by Michael Brown. Following the concert band. Ai.;sistunt Director of Bands Ed Girlingwill lead the "Cun Bangers" percussion ensemble in inno,·athe. orig– inal pcrrussion music reahll'– ing both traditional and non-traditional instruments. The ECCC ~htllct Ensem-

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