2014 Combined
~ -------------- East Central Community College teams drop pair to Southwest EJ~t Ccnrral Community
women. \\ho imprmcd to IJ-2 and 5-1. In the men\ con1c,1. East Central v. a' unahlc tom en.:ome a 39-26 halftime tleficit and fell 86-65 to the Bear'>. Sophomore guard/fornard Jacques Johnson tallied 14 point.. to lead rhe Wan'iors. whose record nm\ 'land, at 6-9 overnJJ and 2-4 in the di' i'ion under firsc-year head 1.·oach Roben Thompson. Johnson. a Pro'vine product.\\~ af•.,o cn:d ited \\ith se\en rebound.... Abo 'corinl! for EC \\ere Terr.ince Mujal~d J product of West\\ ood Hi!.:h S<. 1001 m Memphis. I J: Ramone fare of St. Stani-.law.. IO: .l\1ichacl Matlock of Ccnrrnl H1ch School in Memphis, nine: ' Quimon CampbelJ of Mal) G. Montgomel) High School 111 Mobile. eight: Demark~ Jones ofTeny anti Keon McKinney of We~t Poinr. four each: and Ke\ in Kirk of St Martin, three.
College\ ba,ketball 'quad:. dropped dccbions to Southwest Mili\tssippt College in MACJC South D1v1sion action held Thur:-.dny. Janual) 23 in the Brad.cen Wood Physical Educarmn BuilditH! on the Occmur campu:-.. ' The Lady Warrio~. \\ho held n 31-JO lead at the break. were outscored 35-13 111 the .;econd hall and fell 65-44 to the Lief\ Bears. • Htnihhija Hughe, "-as rhe onlv ~orcr in Llouble tfoure.. for the Ltd) Warrior;. \\ho::C re<:ord dippe
Din,ion under secontl-year head coach Crandal Porter. Hughes is a ~ophomor~ for- \\ an:I and product of Fore:-.t High School. Other scorers were Tyoika Bender of Newton. 13; Jalci'>ha Jones of Wayne County. nine; Kimberly Wallace. a produc:t of Ouachit On Jan. 16, Tanihhija Other EC pomr maker~ were Quinton Ctimphell. a pmduct of Mary G Monrgomc1') High Hughes poured in 24 pom[l) and led the East Centml Commun1t)' College women to a CH-57 vk tory ov~r MS Gulf Coast Comnumily College. Hughes also led 111 rebound... with 13 for the Ludy Warrior.. who improved lo 7-6 O\l:rnll and 2-2 in the f\JACJC South APPEARED IN: Co.ts! \\ llh 16 JX>lllh. ll1e \\arriol".\ trailed 32-27 at altr11uc. CARTHAGINIAN------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL --- SPIRIT OF MORTON----- - -- MERIDIAN STAR------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL -- CLARION-LEDGER------
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