2014 Combined
EC golf team places fifth in state East Central Community
Qub. It is hosted by Jones County Junior College East Central golfer 2.ack Hammons of Raleigh High School also qualified for the Region 23 Championship based on his scoring average for the year. As a team, the Warriors fin ished in fifth place overall at the MACJC State Championship with a tw Collegeā¢s Andrew Joiner fired a one-under par 143 to finish tied for second in the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges State Golf Championship held April 18-19 at Lion Hills in Columbus. Joiner, a product of Spanish Fort (Ala.) High School, shot rollllds of 70 and 73. His perfonnance during the state championship quaJified him to compete in the National Junior College Athletic Association Region 23 Championship scheduled for April 26-27 at Laurel Country Golf Continued from page 38 crowned State Champions after shooting a six under par 570 as a team. Other East Central golfers participating in the state cham pionship included Tristan Hernandez of Carthage and MACJC Leake Academy. 149 (74, 75); Hammons, 154 (79, 75); Karlton Ginn of Franklinton (La.) High School, 154 (75, 79); and Nathan Nance of Decatur and Newton County Hil?h School. 159 <74, 85). APPEARED IN: NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ~ --~ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ____ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER----- - CARTHAGINIAN ------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------- MERIDIAN STAR- - - - ---
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