2014 Combined

to r tire after three decades on the job

\\ rked i r nuth , ~ces~,;or. Phil ~utpbin, and ntJywork... for President tewart. were different leader ci.illerent strengths, 't• •n "aid, but all have e llieir mark on the col The sweeping changes ntly being ushered in by 11rt are needed, he said. e college has under n a host of ambitious eel<> in Stewart's tenure. ere s a new turf football a campaign to raise d.., for new football facili lilld countless facility im- ~ments on campus, 1 g others. And Johnston -b ·en there to tell lhc pub wby these projects are im rtant. cer survivor Lakly, he's done thal e battling, then recover from, prostate cancer. :ston received radiation atments and hormone rapy, and was declared red" earlier this vcar. He ly missed work during - treatments, and while he " vocal about his diagno- . it almost never affccled work. Johnston admitted at he would rather be work 2' during that time than sit ng at home thinking about ... dia®osis.

nt for Public Infonnation. is retlrill!! lhi

Bubby Johnston, Vice • years at East Central C· :-:=mrut:v College.

just about every event campus. That means bas.::: ball games, football gar= club meetings, pageants. · name it. Il it happens at : Johnston or his staff ._ there. Long after most coll _ employees have returned their families at the end r. work day, Johnston can found taking photof!l"ap!. \\Tiling stories or feeclmg ..... formation to the many med.. outlets in EC's district - t$ pecially after athletic eveD" It's what the job requ.ire so be did it. And usually w: a smile - and a few joke_. "Since coming to the o lege in 2012, I have witne - first-hand Bubby's hard we. and commitment to telli.::_ the East Central story," Ste'"'- art said. "For many, he t - become the face of East Cen tral Community College as his job responsibilities ha• · had him in attendance at 81 most every event this collel!' has hosted since he becamt. an employee in January ,.: 1987. Whether that be athlet ics, line arts, competitions, or

On Aug. 5, after receiving ' second hormone shot and ill\ weeks earlier having oompleted the radiation treatments, I was declared cancer free - for which I am ry thankful, of course," be d. "I have been richly . ,sed by the good Lord w and family and friends :ho kept me in their oughts and prayers on a re!!Ular basis." Though he's quick to de t any praise back onto his aff, it's clear Johnston is ~ d at what he does. And e most jobs, being success as a Vice President for blic lnformation means d work and Jong hours. ohnston or his staff attend



aih be ed preilf1e11t. J ~ed after bein_ elected '1l I were youn!!er, sernng a; CPR!\:\1 pres]dent woulCl look great on my re ... ume. ~ow that I am a senior citizen. the honor "ill look great in my obituary.'' Johnston's first act as a re tiree is a trip to Disney World with his oltlC'r sisler, Carol Lindley, and Iler family -

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\\ rked aJ ll{!Sld John,ton i, married t fh fonner Janet Ham, of Quit man. He e:raduated from For e:-.t Hi® Sl'hool in 1971. He earned his bachelor's degree in business in 1975. He also took journalism courses at MSU and worked on the campus newspaper, Tile Reflector.

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