2014 Combined

ed He has ~ the tran" - t1on from film photm!raphy to di~tal. He \\itn ~ .... ecf - and b till suni,ing- the e~q>lo-- 10n of the Jnternet and social media. His job is communi catmg, and that means com munication through any means necessary. Tuitter. Facebook and the like have all become second hand for Johnston. But he remains a face.to-- face guy. And it's in that em1 ronment that ,Johnston shines. At a recent lunch in terview on tbe college cam pus, Johnston spent much of the time shaking hands with rollcagues and talking with friends. He's well kno,.,n on campus and througtiout the media world of east central Mississippi. First job in Forest Johnston got Ws start in communications at a news paper in Forest. He gradu ated from Mississippi State University on a Sunday and began working the next day ,.,ith his father at The Scott County Times, he said. Jlic; family ov.ned the new-.paper and he e\ entually follo"'"ed in hj .... father'-. foot.... tep .... -wn - a boo~ hl hlt bl r .... l~1ed on the state Republican pariy His father was a mover and shaker in Forest and the state - like so many news paper men in those days. Johnston soon learned that the hassle and controversy that comes with running a small-town newspaper wasn't for hlm. The family sold the newspaper in the early '80s. New position opens at EC It was then that he applied for an openinir at ECCC for the ne\'iy-created public in formation department. ,John- 'lon a ... !lired by former EO C Pre;;;ident Eddie Slnith.

curre - Bill~ .... tewart.

DECATl.lt - Erle E. - bb) John~on IO\ e.. to and for lhe past 2 be ha'- ialked about ~Central Community Col But almo ... l always from ) u'rn watched an ECCC ercial on TV. the words hn....ton'c; or his staff \\ilen the~•re romingout eone else's mouth. U il an advertu emenl lle!!e in thls newspa wa.-; their handiwork. same ®es for radio, In t and social media. u!?h juc;t about every of media. the 61-year-0ld told ECCC's ever-cbang ory. The \1cc Pre idcnl for Pub lic Information will retire thls month, meaning the perpetu ally busy .Johnston \\ill slow down for the first time in hls t life. t ... time," Johnston aid ut retiring. Tm looking r rward to traveling and ...pending tlmc \\,lh great ruece.' and nephews. John,.,ion, v.ho is tasked \\1th promotin!Z' the rollege and oommunicating wuh the media compa behlnd the ..rene.... Hearty 30 years .Spending three decades at the rune job is rare. John ston bas stayed put at ECCC because be loves what be does and he loves the college - and also because "no bet ter job offers caine in, 11 he said with a laugh recently. He has witnessed monu mental change dwing hl 28 years at ECCC. When he firc:t started, photographic dark rooms and hand-deliYered packages of photo and .. 1.0 ries were common. When he took the job at EC he used a Selectric type- ... writer, an instrument m .... 1 a

All were dillerent leader... "ith different .... tren~ .... .John..ton -.ru.d , but all have mad<' their mark on the col lege. The sweeping change:-. currPntly being ushered in by Stewart are needed, he said. The college has under taken a host of ambitiou-. projects in Stewart's tenure. There's a new turf football field, a campaign to rai..e funds for new football facili ties and countles facility im pro\'ement on campu , among others. And .John..ton has been there to tell the pub lic why these projects are im portant. Cancer survivor Lately, he's done that '"hile battling. then recowr ing from. pro...tate cancer Johrn•ton receiYed radiation treatment:-. and hormone therapy, and wa-. declared "cured earlier this year. He rarely mi-.sed work dunn_ hi · treatment... and ·while be wac; ,·ocal about hi-. diaroo-- tj'· it almo.. t ne\er affected hl work. John.-.1on admitted that he would rather be .... x wee ·.. earlier L'Ompleted the rad1at1 n treatments. I wa declared cancer free - for whlch I am ve11 thankful, of course. ht: c;;aid. "l have been richh· blessed by the good Lord aboYe and family and friends who kept me in their thoughts and prayers on a regular basis. 11 Though he's quick to de flect any praise back onto his staff, it's cJeaA' Johnston is good at what he does. And like most jobs, being success ful as a Vice President for Public Information means hard work and long hours. Johnston or his staff attend

s:: ce oo lege ir. 201~ I

first-hand Bu~ .... and commitment

the E~t Central :;t I"\ art said. Torm~: become the face of Ea:: tral Community Coll _ his job responsibiliti~ had hlm in attendance at most every event this coll has hosted since he becam an employee in Januacy 1987. Whether that be athi ·- ics, fine arts, competitions, r

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