2014 Combined

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lt dlon 11'.1 Nollun :1l Ju11io1· Col l(•Hf: A1hktic 1\ssol'iation Al·;ul· cmk ' l't•1111is Tt>ams of the Year. Mt•n's Soccer (2nd), Baseball (3rd), Women's Soccer (fiedfor 4th), Softball (fied for 12th) and GoU.(fied •for 23rd) all placed in their respective sport areas. Warrior athletic teams have also been nationally recognized for various community service projects. Hecent support from alumni and community partners has helped East Central provide financial assistance to many stu dents and to make-much needed upgrades to facilities. In October 2012, the college received in excess of $3 million dollars from the estate of Frances Gaines Blum Slagle, a 1940 ECCC graduate and former Decatur resident. The cush, stocks ancl certiticalt:s pr

Iii ii , :I 11lh11 i'llH, 'Hlflt lrm )' 011d I_ n allvil lWI ~ AHi~ l:C), "define the i11s1t 1111io11's highest priorilir:s and cll' l' JWSL·hcl<.I be liefs." 2020 Vision is also comprised of five institutional commit ments: Student Success, Teaching and Learning, Com munity Partnerships, Resource Planning and Development, and Communication. During the past year, the col lege began making strides towards those commitments as evidenced by recent successes and accomplishments. East Central Community Col lege received national recogni tion for its success in providing a quality education when it was selected 23rd best community .college in the nation by Wash ington Monthly. In the maga· zine's Scplcmhl'r t'·clilion. ECCC l11rh1d(•d In the 2C>1 :1 Col Cl 11 lrlr'11n111u1!1l1awhh 'II l!lti Willi 111',ll It I lljjll fl'(('HI rc·1101 lt1 from M is11l sippi's Inslitulions ol llighcr Learning, which revealed that transfer students from East Cen tral achieved the highest cumu· lative grade point average (3.18) of all community college trans fers in the state. In addition to its academic success, East Central Commu nity College was listed as lhe Sixth Fastest Growing Commu nity College in the nation with enrollments from 2,500 to 4,999, according to reports published in Community College Week. 1 ht · collegl' was als( recog 111 z1·<1 lor suecess in rcnuiting,

One priority of East Central

Community College's 2020 Vision is improved technology in the classroom. History instructor Or. Phillip Crenshaw is shown utilizing tools in one of the 55 classrooms that have recently been outfitt~d with projectors and computer equipment. The interactive equipment has Internet access and video playback capabilities so that Canvas and other online course materials can be accessod during class. At left, many improvnments to the physical plant are under way on the Decatur campus of East C~ntral Community College, inclu9111q those in Brackeen-Wood Phyr.lcal Education Building. The gym nasiuh1 received a much needed reno vation Including new seating and a refln!shod playing surface.

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1011 hart ficlcl to rcplact' the exls linJ; grass field. A c-omprl'hcm;ive community colleg1\ which off<·rs graduates the Assodatt· i11 Arts, the Asso ci:1H.• in S1:ienl'e and the Asso- (·ialt~ in Applied Sril'IKe ckwccs, and various certificates and ('1•1tifications. East CC'ntral Co1111111111ity Colkl{<: rontinues to >ihivt: towards lh1• ~oal of m1·1•1i11 g llw 1:d11calional and trai11 111g needs ul rilit.t•ns in tlw dislnl'I I or· 1110rP informalion on how to hn u111r• a parl,0111• of lht.· · nallon's lasll:SI growmg rommu nily rn ll 1 ·g1 ~s. rnnlacl the Ollin · of St mi en I S1•r vin~s al 601 -li3 f>- 620S m email rle1•@1•crc.cclu.

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The college has also made a commitment to upgrade tech nology with 55 classrooms having been outfitted with pro jectors and computer equip ment. TI1e projectors include interactive styli, which allow instructors to annotate on the screens as if they were writing on a whiteboard with a marker. Each computer has Internet access and video playback capa bilities so that Canvas and other online course materials can be accessed during class Improvements have also heen made in tlw area-; of


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