2014 Combined

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rcrni11i11H n11d p1'twid111it sr1_v11·1 lo 111iHtr11 ·y i;t11di:111s 111ul for two n1i'1~cc11i ive yt"ars has been 11a1111:tl a Military Friendly Schcwl. G.I. Jobs magazine indudtd ECCC in the top 15 p(•rtml of all colleges. universi ties and trade schools nation wide in providing educational services to military students fol lowing a survey of more than 12,000 schools. East Central Community Col lege's athletic department also received national recognition as seven ECCC teams were hon ored for their success in the classroom. The men's and women's tennis teams received the highest recognition with their selection as National Junior Col lege Athletic Association Acad emic Tennis Teams of the Year. Men's Soccer (2nd), Baseball (3rd), Women's Soccer (fied for 4th), Softball (fied for 12th) and Goll (fied for 23rd) all placed in their respective sport areas. Warrior athletic teams have also been nationally recognized for various community service projects. Recent support from alumni and community partners has helped East Central provide financial assistance to many stu dent::; and to make much needed upgrades to facilities. In October 2012, the college received in excess of $3 million dollars from the estate of Frances Gaines Blum Slagle, a 1940 ECCC graduate and former Decatur resident The cash, stocks and certificates of deposit were used lo establish student scholarships and this gift represents the largest single donation ever received by East Central Community College. Various Endowed and other Special Scholarships are pre sented each year during the ECCC-/AT&T-Scholarship Appreciation Prograrn/Lun- ~'lieon. Approximately 130 stu

\\'h1 1 11 l>I'. Blllv W, SWWill'I wns sckck\l llti 1in·;;itt.:111 of East Cent1•ril Comn11111ity Co'I lt•gc in Decal ur in 2012, his ~o;il was to t!Slablish :1 sllatcgk plan ning process, whkh woul1I shape and guide tla: future of the 85-ycar-<>ld institution. As a result, 2020 Vision was created and includes a long term desire to be nationally rec ognized and locally preferred while meeting the educational and training needs of the resi dents of the college district, which includes Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scotland Winston counties. According to Dr. Stewart, 2020 Vision's seven Core Values of Wisdom, Excellence, Accountability, Respect, Enthu siasm, Efficiency and Creativity (WE ARE EC), "define the insti tution's highest priorities and deepest-held beliefs." 2020 Vision is also comprised of five institutional commit ments: Student Success, Teaching and Learning, Com munity Partnerships, Resource Planning and Development, and Communication. During the P,ast year, the col lege began makjng strides towards those commitments as evidenced by recent successes and accomplishments. East Central Community Col lege received national recogni tion for its success in providing a quality education when it was selected 23rd best community college in the nation by Wash ington Monthly. In the maga zine's September edition, ECCC was included in the 2013 Col lege Guide's annual ranking of "J\nwrira's ' I op 50 Community C11lh·i:1•s ." flt(• SlllTl'SS ol ECCL stu cll:nls was also recognized in rl'ccnt reports from Missis sippi's Institutions of lligher I.earning, which rt'vealcd that tr.insfel' st11dc n1s from East Ct>n· trol nrhit•wd the h)J01t•s1 cumu (11liVfl lllil!IC' poi11l OVfl'ilf!l' (;I, 18)

One priority of East Central Community College's 2020 Vision is improved technology in the classroom. History instructor Dr. Phillip Crenshaw is shown utilizing tools in one of the 55 classrooms that have recently been outfitted with projectors and computer equipment. The interactive equipment has Internet access and video playbac1 capabilities so that Canvas and other online course materials can be accessed during class. At left, many improvements to the physical planl nr11 under way on the Decatur campu• of East Central Community College, including those In Brackeen-Woo< Physlcal Education Building. The 1 ;Ill nasium received a much needed r ir vation including new seating and refinished playing surface.

·--- undC'rgoing rcnovat ions :incl will conlai1111p1lat1:d kflun~ halls for all science dasscs and house the Chemistry lab and classroom. The college has also made a commitment to upgrade ted1· no logy \\ii h 5~ classroom hnving heen 0111lill!'cl w:ilh pro· jPCIOIR rmd ('OlliJJlll!'I' f'Mii

lion t 111 I field to replor• I [ existing grass field. A comprehensive cn111 college, which offt•rs grwl tht• Assol'ialc in A1 ts, lh< 'ciatP in SdPlll't' and the J\ Hate h1 J\pplii•d Sden ~l'Hl'f<'ll, iJnrl ViHfoll llnw1, I

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