t . Hanna, Hardy Sophomore Andrew Hanna of Union and biology mstructor
selected as '13 ECCC HEADWAE honorees / Kim Hardy of Philadelphia were recently selected to represent East Central Community College in D~catur at the 2012- 13 Higher Education tions of leader~hip in se,·eral campus organizations. He serves as vtce prel>tuent
He is a 2011 honor graduate of ~ewton County Academy, where he was valedktorian and chosen for the Hall of Fame. He was also selected STAR Student and was named to the WTOK– TV All Scholastic Sports Team. Other honors include selection a a Scholar Athlete and Citizenship Award recip1eot, in addition to numerous subject awards. Hanna also held positions of leadership in several clubs and organizations and received numerous awards m basketbaJI and tetUJis. He is a longtime member of Boy Scouts of America Troop 29 of the ChoctawArea Council m Union and received the rank of Eagle Scout in 2007. In addition, he is a member See HONOREES, pag 14A
the Jackson Marriott Hotel in downtown Jackson, during which each student and faculty honoree is recognized in frot\l of their guests, institution leaders. corporate sponsors and legisla– tors. In addition to the pubhc recognition, a booklet will be published featuring photos and biographical sketches of ea h honoree. Hanna, a President's LJst Scholar who holds a perfect 4.0 grade point averdge, plans to major in chemistry. He has received several hon– ors at EC, including the Frank Edwin and Nena Holt Leatherwood Biology Award, Frank M. Cross Chemistry Award and Secondary Education Award. He also holds various posi-
for leadership of Theta Xi Chapter of Phi Thcu Kappa, the mtemation~ honor ~ocwty for two-year colleges , and is co– president of the Baptist Student Union and Warrior Corps. ln addition. he serves as secretary of the Pre~Ident's Council . He is also a member of the FeUowship of Christian Alhktes and <>erved as vice president his freshman year. He also holds membership m the Envtronmental Club. Hanna's invol.-ement in cam· pus activities also include~ par– ticipation in athletics . He i~ a two-year member of the Warrior tennis team and wa~ on the men '.s basketball squad his freshman season.
• Appreciation Day: Working Toward Academic Excellence program held recently in Jackson. The annual HEADWAE observance was established by the Mississippi Legislature to honor the academically talented students and faculty members from each of the 36 public and private member institutions of the Mississippi Association of Colleges. Honorees are invited to the State Capitol where they are welcomed by Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves and recognized m each Legislative chamber. A luncheon is scheduled at
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