EC head basketball coach Robert Thompson to take hardcourt reins -------- ---, ter. We're going to teach them bow to play and let them play. And then we're going to work on character. We're going to make them men. When they leave here, I want them to be proud to have been at East Cen-

tral and make their parents proud Because

DECA1UR- Robert Thompson is the new men's bead basketball coach at East Central Community College in Decatur. ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart introduced tbe new Warrior head coach during a JftSS confen:nce held Tuesday, May 14~ in tbc Board of Trustees Room Jocatrd in . the Vincent Administration Dr. Stewart said he was initially impressed with Coach Thompson's 2().. yea c:oacbing career at the college level, indudiDg 14 years as tbe bead basketball COKb at iDslihlions in the NAJA and NCAA Division H.. However, be quickly Building..

that's what I' m going tO do."

Thompson, 44, comes to East Central following a l 0-year career as head coach at Spring Hill College in Mobile, Ala., where his teams accumulated an a overall He led the Badgers to four winning sea- sons and two campaigns in which the squad finished with a .500 record His best season was in 2005-06 season when the Badgers went 23-7 and finished second in the Gulf Coast Athletic Conference and made a Sweet 16 appearance in the NAIA 142-156 mark.

ECCC PHOTO National Tournament. Thompson was added be was IJlOI'e iwpessed with wbat Robert Thompson (left) was introduced as named Conference Coach of the Year in be leamcd abeD Coach Thompson during East Cenlral Community Collece's new meds recognition of the successful campaign. the seadi process. head bil:lI .... c:oadldurinl a lftSS arier- Prior to arriving at Spring Hill, Tbomp- -whilewewae honored to have sever- ence held Tuesday. Mar 14. Coach~ son was head men's basketball coach at al Vl•st••q ooac hes ~ for this posi- son is shown wilh ECCe President Or. lily Arkansas Tech University in Russellville tion,. I .a waviocal lbat we have hired ~: ..::::.:: ~ :,:arrior for four seasons, compiling a 43-62 the best fit b our t.sk-ett-0 team at this record. time iD our)JitJt5PW~s development," said ship." His "Wonder Boys" squad in 1999- Dr. SILwaL Coach Thompson, who began his oew 2000 finished third in the Gulf South Coo- '"C«*h Th+":"••• hM t.:m ~ duties on Wednesday, May 15, said he is ference West Division and was ~ to 111e a a ~ rec:nnter with ~ •excited" and "ready to start bui.lding' a eighth in the ~CAA South Reg~ona.l. •••• led wad dhic who bows what rt souessful Warrior basketball progtam. Thompson recetved Gulf South Confer– tabs to diC'ftlop a program fiom the "'''m very grateful to be here. I' ve been eoce Coach of the Year honors folJowins grouad • He bM ako beeu described as very blessed.. .I've been around some the successful season. . a role .IDOdd for- young ~ a man of great people wbo did some great things in His overall record as head coach IS 185- He was a member of the DeJta State son is cmpnjnrd ao building a men's bas-- emics. Basketball and Character. H they University staff from 1996 to 1999 and btlaD JIICI@iml tba will model the ·Ec are here em two years, 1 want to make sure helped lead the Statesmen to the NCAA WAY - FvdJrncr Willl a..< lDl we they~ in two years. We' re going to South Regional Championship in 1997-98 ~ hwad to gratlbiags in ~ mm's do player development every day: pass. md GulfSoulh TCUJWmellt titles in 1996- bwsirtl-11 ptJPa~D ........ bis biller- cHJbJe ..t shoot. We're going to get bet- 97 ..t 1997-9&. APPEARED IN: pat ~.ad a humble pcDOil wbo my life and 1 want to share that with the 215. just lofts 1D wed: wilb and de'Velop young kids here at East Central...I'm very fortu- A Tupelo native, Thompson bas also served as an assistant men's besbtball ma1 of cbaadt:L nate ..t blessed '"'Ibllt .is whit ~ are all about here at "'' told the board members earlier today coach at several colleges in Mississippi. East CCIIkal. I kJaoow tba Coach ~ ~s going to be real simple.. ..ABCs-A~



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