f . . H00ps: Warriors rallY to beat C.o-~in in· overtime .. • From school reports ' , East Central Community 2-8 in the division. College~~ Warriors rallied from a 55-45 second half at the break. ~elicit to·force overii.m'e then In thewomen's contest, di– Mld on for an 85-78 MACJC vision-leading Co-Lin es– South Division victory over caped with an 80-70 Win Copiah-Lincoln Comm,unity despite a 31-point scoring College '.I'Pursday night in performance byEC's Xzan– theBrackeen-Wood Physical draDowd. Educati~n BUndin{on the Dowd, a 5-8 .sophomore t guard fromNeville (La.) Higb Sophomore forwardAquill Scbool, made nine of 15 field Baynard sp~ked, the come- gools and three of four three– b~~ ~'t~2p poin~l~g.)-4 point shots. She was als~!10!. rebOundS, as EC.impipved to of 15 from the charity §ifi~e;~ 2-19 overall and2.:.8 inleague Jakela Johnson alsonad a play. . · productivenight for theLady Baynarq, a•6-8 product of WruTiors (7-14, 4-6), ¥ the 6- Elsik High School in Hous- 1 sophomore forward from ton, Texas, connected on Wesf Jones collected 19 seven of 10 field goals and points and led in rebounds made 10 of 12 free throws. with 14. • He also made' one of two 1 0ther scorers were Ja- treys: .. ianah Matthew of Arkansas Also scorP1~ in double fig- High Scliool in Texarkana, ure~ W}'lre{Chris Rhoney of· Ark, 10; Reneisha: Evans of West Lauderdale, 17; Tejimi- Newton County, five; Niya non Lea{het\Vood of North- Hughes of Forest, four; and ridge (Ala.) High School, 16; Tynesisa Mickens of Nox– andWalter .Eva.ns ofHatties- ubee County, one. bw·g, u. ~theiW~'s two ChantaPoole poured in 21 throws in the final seconds points for the Lady Wolves, sent the division''matcliup who improved to 18-3 over8.n EC held a 34-33 advantage Decatur campus. BobbyWrench of Col~ bus, the break. nine; Randy Collier of South Regula1· season action Leake, five; and Jamere concludes Thw'Sday;Feb. 21 Eichelberger t>f JJouisville at Jones County Ju,nior Col– and Gafton Owens of Hard- lege in' Ellisville. The .to lead the Wolves, who dropped to 4-17 over4U and into overtime· at 71-71. . and 9-1 in league play. · Other point makers were The SC9rewas tied at 36 at
~. - ·~
son Central,,oneeach. 1
.women's ·contest is set for 6
Chris Steverson Sftd Fred p.m. and will be followed by~·DEIIocRAT
., . NewToN
COUNTY API- Fair!Jlan pad 15 points eac11 men's action at 8 p.m. · ·.
-..v ... ~niiEB. _____ WIN8ToN couNtY JOURNAL
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