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lOA The Carthaginian 7 Carthage 7 .Miss. 7 October 3, 2013
Nationally-ranked Hinds Hinds Community Col–
School product. Sopho– more kicker Austin Franklin ot P etal added the PAT. East Central's other score came with 4:54 left in the contest, wh en fr eshma n q uar t e r back J acor i Taylor and fresh– man wide receiver Jimmy Cockrell hooked up on a 19-yard scoring pass play, capping a seven play, 38- yard march set up by a Hinds fumble during a punt attempt. Taylor is a product of Early County High School in Blakely, Ga., a nd Cockrell hails from Columbus High S chool. Franklin added the PAT. Hinds took control ea rly in the contest on Gregory Foster's four– yard TD run and Diante Thomas' 12-yard touch– down strike to Desmond Anderson during first-
period action . Jos eph Houston boot ed both PATs. The Eagles extended their lead in the second period on Tommy McCalpin's three-yard run and Thomas' 27-yard TD toss to Robert Lock– har t. Houston kicked the PAT following McCalpin's score but his attempt was blocked by the Warriors following the scoring pass play. Hinds extended its lead to 34-0 on Foster's second tally, a one-yard run midway in the third stanza . Hou ston added the PAT. Foster a dded a third tally on his 11-yard run early in the fourth quar– ter. Houston's PAT stretched the Eagle advantage to 41-7. The game's final points came on McCalpin's sec-
ond score, this time on a 41-yard burst to pay dirt with 1:57 left in the game. EC's offense was led by freshman running back Lamarcu s Franks who had 20 carries for 107 yards. Franks is a product of Greene County High School. J ohnson finished with 42 yar ds on 11 att empts, which included his 27- yard TD run. Freshma n running back Matt hew Hicks of Ocea n Springs had three carries for 30 yards. Freshman Donnie Farmer start ed at qua r – terback for the Warriors. The Harrison Central High School product com– pleted three of seven passes for 11 yards and one interception. Farmer h ad fou r r ushes for six yards. Anthony Triplett was
lege lived up to its nation– al ranking as the No. 20 Eagles cruised to a 48-14 victory over East Centr al Communi ty College Thursday, Sept. 26 a t Renfroe Stadium on the Raymond campus. EC's Warriors fell to 0- 5 overall and 0-3 in divi– sion play following t h e MACJC Sou t h Di vision matchup, while Hinds improved to 3-2 and 1-2. The Eagles led 28-0 a t halftime and held a 34-0 third-quarter advantage when East Centr al tallied its first points of the night on sophomore running back Martin's Johnson's 27-yard scamper with six seconds remaining in the stanza. Johnson's score capped a six-play, 45-yard drive and provided th e first score of the season for the Nanih Waiya High
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