Warriors lead earlybut fall to Southwest

7 lead at halftime and added touchdowns in the third and fourth stanzas to claim a 24-7 victory. The Bears improved to 2-2 overall and 1-Q in league play, while the Warriors fell to 0-4 and (}.2. Farmer, a &-1, 207-pound freshman from Harrison Cen– tral, finished the night bycom– pleting 12 of 24 passes for 128 yards and had one intercep– tion. Pace, a &-2, 26(}-pound freshman from Newton, had another reception for minor yardage. Southwest tied the contest later in the first period on quarterback De'Angelo Bal-

lard's ont7-yard plunge and Michael McDaniel's PAT. An– gelo is a 6', 180-pound fresh– man from Noxubee County and McDaniel hails from Northwest Rankin. McDaniel, a 5-7, 153-pound freshman, gave Southwest the lead for good on his 43-yard field goal with 10 seconds left before halftime. The Bears took advantage of a Warrior miscue early in third-period action, as Ballard again found the end zone, this time on an 18-yard scramble. M(Daniel added the PAT. The short scoring drive began at the EC 34 and was set up by a Warrior fumble on

a punt retwn. EC was unable to take ad– vantage of a scoring opportu– nity later in the third period when Franklin's 45-yard field goal attempt fell short. Franklin is a 6', 18(}-pound sophomore from Petal. The Bears' added their final tally with 4:12 left in the divi– sion contest on Jamal Hall's 3(}-yard run. Hall is a 5-8, 20(}. pound sophomore l'UIUlblg back from Picayune. McDaniel added the PAT. East Central travels to divi– sion foe Hinds Community College Thursday. Sept. 26. Kickoff is set for 6:30 p.m. on the Raymond campus.

From school reports

On the game's first posses- ion. EastCentral Community Cullcge quarterback Donnie Farmer engineered an eight– play. 77-yard drive capped by a thfe{'..yard TD toss to tight endTyler Pace. Austin Franklin's PAT put the Warriors up 7-Q and the Warriors had a successful ~tart to theirMACJC South Di– vision battle "'ith Southwest Mis~is~>ippi Community Col– le~ Thtmiday night at JohnL. Hurst Stadium on the Summit ('.ampus. However, the home- tand– ing Bears rallied to take a 1(}.




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