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Scott Brock namedECCC defensive· coordinator
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'Ecce from page B.l championships during his career. He served as secondary coach and later receivers and t ight ends coach when Carson– Newman College won consecutive NAIA National Championships (1988-89). He was spe– cial team's coordinator during the Charlotte Barons championship season (1990) in the Minor League Footb all System. Brock served as · defensive coordinator and special team's coordi- .., nator when Charlton County (Ga.) High School - - captured its first State AA Championship in ;!.. 2004. While at Charlton County High 'school, ::."-:. Brock also served as head track coach and led . ~ · the squad to back-to-hack AA State Champi– onships in 2005 and 2006.
From school reports
A longtime football coach whose resume includes sev– eral championships takes over as defensive coordi– nator at East Central Com– munity College in Decatur. Scott Brock, who has 25 years coaching experience on the high school, commu-
scott Brock
nity college and university levels, was recently named to the post by new Warrior head football coach Ken Karcher. Brock, who began his new duties on March 1, 2013, not only brings a wealth of experience and success to the coaching staff; he will also serve as a mentor to War– rior student-athletes, according to Coach Karcher. "Coach Brock will bring an expertise to our program on the defensive side of the ball that will help East Central be suc– cessful," said Coach Karcher. "More impor– tantly, he will play a major role in impacting the lives of our student athletes. I am confi– dent that East Central Community College will be a better place because of Scott Brock and his family." Brock began his career as a student
assistant defensive coach at the University of Tennessee from 1985-86. He also had coaching stints at the University of Mem– phis (1986-88), Carson-Newman College, located in Jeffer son City, Tenn. (1988-90); Charlotte (N.C.) Barons of the Minor Foot– ball League, 1990; Brentwood (Tenn.) High School, (1993-95); Barrien County High APPI!M School in Nashville, Ga., (1995-96); Centen- . nial High School in Franklin, Tenn. (1996- . . 98), Middle Georgia College in Cochran, GA CARI1U (1998-2001), Appalachian State University in 1 Boone, N.C. (2001-03), Charlton County fti'WTa H!g~ Scho?l in Folk.ston•. Ga.. (2003-08); and H1lhard M1ddle Semor IItgh m Hilliard, IPIUT'C Fla.• where he served since 2008 as director of athletics, head track coach, defensive -....:... coordinator and special team's coordinator. ~ Brock helped lead several teams to ,•'
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