
WBKOF ·Muvc\:1 ') Or~·O S, ( . i .. Multi-sport standout Pace signs with EC

By Austin Bishop ~onc:ountyappeal.com

Chris Gale is not a bit bash– ful when singing the acco– lades ofTyler Pace. 'Tyler is a monster athlete," said Gale, the fu·st-year bead football coach at Newton High School. "East Central got a real good deal. Really better than they know." ECCC signed Pace, a stand- , out offensive and defensive lineman for Newton, late last week in a ceremony at lbe NHS library. Pace not only led the Tigers on the football field, but was the leading scorer for the basketball team and is one of the key hitters for the baseball team. "He is just a big, naturally strong athlete," Gale said of the 6-foot-3, 250-pound Pace. ''Once be gets to college and concentrates on just one sport and really works on it, he is going to be a really good one." While Pace played on the defensive and offensive lines for the Tigers, he is being looked at on tho offensive side as a tight end by theWarriors of East Central. Pace said it was also mentioned that he might considered as a line– backer. "Right now they just know they need him on the field and where they need the most help at is on the offensive line," Gale said. '1 really have liked playing all sports," Pace aid. "I guess I'm more of a football player now, but I just enjoy playing." AI He has been a fixture on the · NHS football team since the

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Newton's Tyler Pace signs with East Central Commu– nity College at a ceremony at the Newton High School library last week . Pace is joined by his mother and coach Chris Gale. ninth grade.

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"I have always liked the · school and am excited to get , the opportunity to play there and go to school there," he said. Pace said bewas oonsid– ei·ing either being a coach or studying to .become a com– puter engineer.

''Basketball has helped me," Gale said. "It helps me get my coordination and balance down." Gale said playing at East Central is something he was hoping to get a chance to do.

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