ECCC honors fall sports athletes at banquet Numerou-; awards and hon–
assiSts for a total 14 points. He was the fourth leading scorer m the MACJC North Division and finished I6th overall. He also qualified as an NJCAA All– American nominee. Kenneth Thompson presented awards and recogniLed sophomore players. r Head coach
Presented awants in cheer– leading were Laken Fulcher of Nanih Waiya, AcademicAward; 1 Iannal1 Kemp of Leake Acade– my, CaptainAward; Darrin Hill– man of Sebastopol, Warn or Award; P<~yton Sm1th of Scott Centra.l, Goach's Award; and Max1e P proVJCied comment."; Additional awards were pre:-cnted by coaches of the ~pective sport.<>. Athletic Director Chris Harris served as master of cercmoniC'S. In football, award winners and their respective high schools include running back Lamarcu-; Franks, a product of Greene County High School, tnO!>t valu– able player and oJfensive cap- tain award; ruiming backMartin Johnson of Nanih Waiya, aca– denlic award; defensive lineman DruyJ Rogers bf Laurel, most iniprovcd dcfe11sive player; delen-.ive back JaDerrick Far– row, a product of BleckJey County High School in Cochran, Ga., defensive captain awun.l: and wide receiver Junmy Cockrell of Columbus, most improved ofrensive player. Head co~ch Ken Karcher and a<>si~tants C Cheer coach Pam McKnigh presented awards and recog niz.ed sophomore cheerleaders. For more information 0t ECCC Ath.letics, contact AthJet 1c Director Chris Hartis, 601· 635-640 l or call toll free, 877- 462-3222, ext. 401. The emai addn~~~ rs charris@eccc.edu. ors were presented to East Cen– tral Commumty College footbalJ and soccer players and cheer– leaders at the annual Fall Sports Award~ Banquet held earlier tlus mont in Mabry Memorial Cafe– teria on the Decatur campus. ECCC Presrdent Dr. Billy Stewart re<.:ngnized academic award winners in each sport and .... w ~ ..... 0 0::: <{ _J () m 0 J: CJ) UJ z u ~ 0 () CJ) 0 ~ CJ) z ~ I 1~11d coach lJt-:ty Massey pn!s~ntcd aw;~nb and recog– nized sophomore tea.rn 111\!m– bcrs. Awards in men':-. ~xx:er went to Jesse Vaughn, ·a product of Newton County lligh School, dctensive player award, MACJC All-Star ,.. -I ~ w 0.. 0.. ~ ~ z :::> 0 () z 0 ~ ~ w z z 0 ~ 0::: 0 ~ u.. 0 t- 0::: 0.. CJ) 0::: <{ t- CJ) z <{ 0 0::: w ~ z ~ z C> ~ J: t- 0::: <{ () z - 0 w 0::: ~ w 0.. 0.. ~
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