Week of /UoJ · { 0 d-.<>(}

ECCC offers chair back seating in 'new' Brackeen-Wood Gym Reserved chair back sears are College in Decatur. Education Building.

A new scorers· table was among other improvements made at facility. To purchase season tickets. contact Lori McMullan. admin– istrathe assistant to the director of personnel services/athletics. at 601-635-6310. or Chris Harris, director of personnel services/athletic director.at 60 l- 635-6401 .

Cost is $100 for non-ECCC employees and $75 for fulltime ECCC employees and immedi– ate family members. Individual reserved chair back seating is available on a per-game basis for $9 each and may be purchased at the door of the recently renovated Brackeen-Wood Physical

now available for purchase for the 2013-14 basketball season at East Central Community

Season ticket prices are included in fees for chair back sears, which are offered on a first-come , first-served basis. All new seating was recently installed in Brackeen- Wood, which was constructed in 1970. The gym floor was also refin– ished and includes the new ath– letics logo.

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