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Attend ECCC Nontraditional Conference for Female Student~ cara Bell (left) of Leake County career Technical Center and Melanie Brashier (right) of Newtc County career Technical Center are shown experimenting with drawing a floor plan with asslstan< from Drafting and Design student Elizabeth Hunt (standing) of Noxapater during East Centr Community College's annual Nontraditional Conference for Female Students held September 1. 2013 on the Decatur campus. During the day's activities, female students participate In hand&< activitiesand tour programswhich typically enroll male students. Additional programs featured inclu ed automotive technology, collision repair, computer networking, culinary arts, EMT, residential cc pentry, surgical technology, hoteVrestaurant management and welding. ANontraditional Conferen< for Male students is also held each year. For more information, contact career-Technical Counsel Amanda Walton at 601-635-6214. The e-mail address Is awalton@eccc.edu. (EC Photo)
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