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Servingon the East Central Community <»>iege Board of Trustees in 2013 a1 {first row, from left) Ricky Goldman, Philadelphia; Beverty Hart, Union; Detar Hudson, louisville; Van lucas and Rodney Boun~ both of Newton; Verne Crotwell, Morton; William E. Kitchings, Carthage; and JenySmith (vice chainnar Philadelphia; {second row, from leftH ..J <( w a. I~ z 0 1- J\ .--' . ..j ' ~ ._) <.....!- a ~ _...,) (.... ...- ~ z z ~ <( ~ z c w ~ <( w a. a. <( <( :::J 0 1- z 0 :E U) (!) z u. z <( <( (.) ~ 3: ~ <( w a. w ~ 0 J: 0 1- 1- 1- c (.) z U) :E
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