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""' EC ranked amongAmerica's top
50 collliilunity collegeE
dents who return for a second year; and the overall ratio of cre– dentials grantrd for every 100 stu– dents emolled." ECCC President Billy Stewart expressed his appreciation to fac– ulty and staff on receiving the na– tional recognition in a <·ampus-\vide e-mail. "J want to be the first to congrat– ulate the entire East Central Com– munity College famil} for this honor,·· wrote Stewart. "WhHe we will fa<'e many challenges in the yt•ars ahead as we strive to fulfill the commitments of 2020 Vision tlw EG Way - Excellence with Cluss. we are on our way to achiev-
and services that provide t greatest impact on tiH· teachi and learning process." ~ Community co llege enrollment falls Enrollment has fallc•u at MisE sippi's 15 communi!) c·olleges the third year in a row. accord to preliminary figtll'l'l t·Ppo.rtcd the Community CollPJ'I' Board. Thr new data shows that numbC'r of students PllmlJed a t statc'R two-year ~wllools fell percent this fall to 7/,li() 1. ,Jont>s County .Juniut· ('ollegc ' the only school to Hl'l' cnrollm climb this fall. ,~
.ing our vision of bl'ing nationally recognized .. Stewart ulso challenged the fac– ulty and staff to reach even greater heights in providing a quality t'du– cation for East Central stt1dents. "Our fa<'ulty and staff ,Jill be en– couraged by this grent ree~Jgltition, but thev will also be motivated to continue to provide PXceJlent leaming opportunities fOJ' \ llu.~ stu– dents and communities 1 wc arc eallcd and blessed to serve," said Stewart. "At East C('ntral.:we arc all in the business of student suc– cess. Therefor<', we will ,nlways strive to provide hig-h quality edu– cational and training lnr9g1·wns
minr each college's runk, fiw are from the respected Community College Sut-ve) of Student Engage– ment (CCSSE) .... collrges that <·on– nect with their students and challenge them to do a good work get pa•·ticularly high marks. It's also <·rucial to keep. .students on track to finish their dl'l{l'l'l'S. That's why this year's rankinj..'H in– clude three measures that art• used by the Aspen Institute's an– nual Prize for Community Colleg-e Excellence: the percentag-e of new students who return for a St~<·ond year; the pcrcentagt> who gruduntu or tnUlsfcr elsewhere within three years; the percenta~'" of new stu-
From school reports
East Cenll·al Community Colleg-e in Decatur is onc<' again nationally t·ccognizcd for its success in pro– viding a quality education. ECCC is ranked the 23rd best community college in the nation', according to the Sept. 2013 edition of Washington Monthly, which in– cluded ECCC in its 2013 College Guide's annual ranking of "Amer– ica.'s Top 50 Community Colleges." According to the publication, "... rankings are based entirely on measures of best educational prac– tices a nd actual s tudent succe-.s. Of the e ig-ht measur~s th.at deter-
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