ECCC homecoming set Oct. 12 with various activities planned Apep rally, fireworks display

a.m. and is located in Burton Library. The College Bookstore, located in the Smith Student Union, will also have spectal hours of operation that day for the convenience of alumni and other campus visitors. The book– store will be open from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. College merchandise will also be available for pur– chase prior to and during the football game later that day at Bailey Stadium. The annual ECCC Alumni Association Awards Luncheon begins at 11 a.m. in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria. This year's honorees are Carolyn Cook Huey, Alumna of the Year and her husband, Max Huey,Alumnus of the Year, who are members of the ECCC Class of 1965 and reside in Picayune; and Pete Lucovich (Class of 1973) of Carthage and Louisville native Marcus Thames (Class of 1997) of Tampa, Aa., who will be induct– ed into the College's Athletic Hall of Fame. Luncheon tickets are $12 each and can be purchased by contacting Dr. Stacey Hollingsworth, executive direc– tor for Foundation and Alumni Relations. Election of Alumni Association officers will also be held during the Awards Luncheon. "'-- L ........:--·

Meetings of various reunion groups get under way at 1 pm. in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building. Honorees for 2013 include members of the Classes of 1957,1958 and 1959; Class of 1963; Warriors and Lady Warrior Basketball Teams from 1937 to 1971; the first Graduating LPN Class (1993) in recognition of the group's 20th Anniversary; and members of other classes ending in "3" - 1943, 1953, 1973, 1983, 1993 and 2003. ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart will present 50th Anniversary Diplomas to the Class of 1963 during a ceremo– ny scheduled at 1:30 p.m. in Brackeen-Wood. The Warriors host Mississippi Delta Community College in the annual Homecoming battle scheduled at 2:30 pm. on Warrior Field at Bailey Stadium. Several activities will be held during halftime ceremonies, including recognition of Homecoming Honorees; presen– tation of the Queen and her Court; awarding of MACJC State Championships rings and presentation of a Mississippi Legislative resolution honoring the 2013 DiamondWarriors; and performance by the Wall 0 ' SoundMarching Band. For more information on

and Christian Band Concert are among activities scheduled dur– ing Homecoming Week at East Central Community College in Decatur. The free event begins at 7 p.m.Thursday, Oct. 10 at Bailey Stadium and also includes per– formances by Wall 0 ' Sound Marching Band, Centralettes dance line and Warrior Cheerleaders. In addition, mem– bers of the 2013 Homecoming Court will be introduced. The pub?~ .is invited to attend the festlvttles. A full day of activities is also scheduled Homecoming Day on Saturday, October 12, beginning with the Seventh Annual SK Run/Walk: and a new event - a Kid's One-Mile Fun Run - all starting at 7:30a.m. at the North Campus Pavilion. Cost to enter is $20 per par– ticipant. ECCC faculty member Dr. Phillip Crenshaw serves as race chairman. For registration information, contact Dr. Crenshaw, 601-635-6281 or e– mail pcrenshaw@eccc.edu. Registration begins at 9 am. on the East Mall Patio near Mabry Memorial Cafeteria. Retired English instructor Ovid Vickers will be available during registration activities to sign copies of his recently- released book about the College: "The East Central I Knew: A ,.





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