n I ECCC plans new $4.8M <:r football operations center
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mitments our institution has made as a component of 20/20 ViSion. But it also has the poten– tial to seamlessly connect our athletic facilities to the college and our community. I am confi– dent that the construction of this facility will set us apart from our peers and enhance our reputa– tion as a training ground for excellence. It will certainly com– municate ExceiJence with Class - the EC Way." Added Athletic Director Chris Harris: "I'm excited about the commitment Dr. Stewart and the Board of 1iustees have made on behalf of our athletic programs. As with any project involving improvements to ath– letic facilities , private donors have a tremendous impact on the
Fundraising efforts are under way to construct a new Football Operations Center at East Central Commwuty College in Decatur, announced ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart. Dr. Stewart said the $4.8 mil- lion complex will be located on north end of Bailey Stadium and 1 includes a state-of-the art weight 1 room and athletic training facili– ty for all student-athletes. Also included in the plans is a $1 nlil– lion turf field to replace the existing grass field. 'The completionof this facil– ity and field has the potential to positively affect the future of Warrior athletics for many years," said Dr. Stewart. "First and foremost, its construction will impact each ofthe five com-
success of the project and the tinung in which the project will be completed." First-year head football coach Ken Karcher has played a key role in the design of the Football Operations Center. ''This facility will be a place to further develop our student– athletes in all four phases oftheir life - intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially - which is our mission at ECCC," said Karcher. To make a contribution or for more information, contact Dr. Stacey HoiJingsworth,executive director for Foundation and Alumni Relations, 601-635- 6327 or call toiJ free, 877-462- 3222, ext. 327. The email address is sholling@eccc.edu.
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Above is an architect's rendering of proposed Football Operations Center to be constructed o the north end of Bailey Stadium on the Decatur campus of East Central Community College The estimated $4.8 million complex will include a state-of-the-art weight room and athletic train ing facility for all student-athletes at the college. It will also include a Warrior Room as well a a meeting space tor the department of athletics and the community. Plans also include insta lation of a $1 million turf field to replace the existing grass field. Fundraising efforts are unde way to construct the facility.
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