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1- ~ 0:: :::> 0 ...., Jones, Bowles join ECCCstaff . en w c::
1. From school reports
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Bowles named Heating, AJC instructor
signed and built < syst ems to suit needs. A 2004 gradua: ian High School, tinued his edt MePidian Commll wher ehe earned ~ Maintenance Ce 2005 and r eceive• ate Degr·ee in D Design in 2007. While a stude Bowleswon first-) in Sheet Metal at sippi SkillsUSA C Bowles again fr education at Miss Universi ty, when a Bachelor of Sci in Civil and En Engineering in 2( He i s marrie Bowles, an ECCC
two-year ccrlifll'nll lmm ECCC in 1995 iu ,\th 11wNl Carpentry and Cuhl111 huuk ing. She earm•d 1111 ll'l'llt•d science degret' 111 111 tili ng– and Design Tcehnolop\ '\1' chltectural Drafl in,• tl I<.! '('C in 1997. While at EC('(', .ltllll\li WIIH named Carpt•ulry !'ol111 h ulor the Month in Now1ulu 1 IH!Irl and received 1:111 /\1'1111 ·\ • IIH' IIl Awar d for· CabiiWIIuullug tIll' same year. ~lw Willi l lt·~;l place honon; nl lit I ' I H'l: , M lH sissippi VlCA (Sidll I ~ •.\ 111-1 known today) ('ompl'l llltll l 111 Cabinetmaking 111tl 1!1 vanced to Uw 1 1tllurrnl 1"1111 test. She is lbl' tlutt J!hl •ll of Tommy and .Johurrh• ttuth Sanders of Lnk" 111111 ,11 ·tr v and Carolyn .Jo111 n( 1<1'\\: ton.
Nancy Lee Jones of Lake was recenlly selected t·csi– :1 denti al carpen tt·y instmctor t at East Cent1·ai Community College in Decatur , an– r nounced ECCC Pt·csident .r Billy Stewar t. 1 Jones, who began her new ~ duties on Aug. 12, was previ– t ously employed by Yates 1 Construction and/or Yates • Engi neering· in Philadelphia ' since Februat·y 1999, who•·e she served as a submittal eo– or·di nator , drafts pe1·son and in the ar ea. or quality control. While employed at Yates, she was involved in sever al - major constr uction projects including Neshoba County . Genl'r al Hospital, Bok Homa s Cas!flo in SaJ1dct·svillc, NAS
Clarence Edgar· "Eddie" Bowles, 111 of Chunky was r e– cently selected beating and air conditioning technology instructor at East Central Community College. Bowles, who began his new duties on Aug. 12, served the past year as a product analyst nt Fairbanks ~cales inMet•id– ian . He has also worked as a civil engineer for H&T Con– sultants, Inc., in Jacksonville, Fla. Hebegan hls career at Tew llealing and Air in Meridian, a healing/cooling service and repair organization, wher ehe dir ected projects and gath– r red materials necessary to t~<•mplete jobs. lie also de- '~' Ill ... ll_j . ,
Machine Wor ks as a d•·afts person for two yea1·s and at La-Z-Boy South as a shipping clerk for one yea•·· A 1994 gr aduate of Lake Hig'b School, Jones t·eccivcd a
Fir e Station at Joe Williams Field in DeKalb and Canton Elementary School of Math and Science in Canton. Prior to her 14 years at Yates, she worked for Taylor
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