ECCC hlres four new instructors an associate of applied sci– ence degree from Meridian Community College in 2006; a bachelor of science degree (cum laude) in Information Techn ology from Columbia Southern Univers ity in Or– ange Beach, Ala, in 2009; and a master of science degree in Management-Information Systems Security from Col– orado Technical University lo– cated in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 2011.
From school reports
Four new instructors have joined the staff at East Cen– tral Community College in De– catur, announced ECCC President Billy Stewart. Laura J . Sullivan of Coll1nsville was recently se– lected computer network tectmology instructor. Sullivan, who began her new duties on Aug. 12, was previously employed as a Sys– tems Operator and PC/Net– workTechnician at Anderson Regional Medical Center in Meridian since 2009. She previously worked for Ergon Incorporated as a Hardware Support Techni– cian and for Meridian Public Schools as a PC Technician. Sullivan currently set'Ves as an adjunct instructor for Indi– ana Wesleyan University fa– ciUtating online classes for the College of Adult and Pro– fessional Studies in the areas of Computer and Inlormation Processing, Desktop Applica– tions, Hardware Trou– bleshooting and Operating Systems Concepts. In addition, she is co-owner of Snap It Sports Photography in Mmidian. She is also very active with the multimedia ministry at Midway Baptist Chut·ch. A f.'l'aduate of Met·idian Higb & bool, Sullivan caJ'ncd
She bas also earned Mi– et·osoft Certified Professional designation. ' She is married to Steven Sullivan of Collinsville. Her parents are Larry and Sharon Johnson ofMeridian. Adebisi named physfcs instructor Dr. Rasheed Adebisi of Ox– fOI·d was recently selected physics instructor. Dr. Adebisi, a native of Nigeria, began his new duties on Aug.12. He earned a bachelor of sci– ence degree in engineering physics from Obafemi Awolowo University, located in De-Ife, Nigc1·ia, in 2000. He entered the doctoral program at the University of Mississippi in 2006 and earned a Ph.D. in Physics b·om Ole Miss in 2011. While a graduate student at Ole Miss, Dr. Adebisi con– ducted research at the 1\a-
Adebis i
Derrhw 11111
tional C~?ntcr for Physical Acoustics and served as a teaching assistant for six sc~ mesters, t<'aching· and grad– ing labol;'atory exercises for general introductory physk:s. He also taught calculus and physics for the Naval Reserve OfficersTrainingCorps at Ole Miss. After rm·ning his terminal degree, be workro for Soair, LLC, as a research scientist. He and liis \vife Funke have two daughters, Jbukunoluwa and Oluwadara. Denson named chemistry instructor Amy Denson of Petal was recently selt>cted cbemish·y instructor. Denson, who began her new
duties on Aug. 12, served the previous year as a science in– structor at Petal High School. She se1-ved the past foW' years as an adjunct science instruc– tor at the HattiesbW'gcampus of Pearl River Community College. In addition, she taught general chemistry lab– oratory courses for the Uni– •·ersity of Southern ~lissis~ippi while working on her doctoral degree in chem– istry. A g1·aduate of Petal High School, Drnson earned an as– sociate of arts degree from .Jones County Junior College in 1998, where she was mem– ber of tho Lady Bobcat soft– ball team. She continued her educa-
tion at the University of SouthernMississippi, earning a bachelor of science degree with highest honors in chem– istry in 2011. She received a master of science degree in agricultural life sciences from Mississippi State University in 200(). In addition, she has earned more than 70 graduate hours in chemistry from USM and only ll('Cds to complete her diss(W(ntion to fulfillt·equire– ments fm· u Ph.D. Her tmrl'nts arc Scott County nutJws NmwyThorne Denson m1d Donald l)('nson of Petal. Derrington selected biology Instructor Dan l><'t'l'int>ton nf ('linton
was t't)(lf•ully selected 1 . ·r - • ogy 111 ,fr~wlur. Det'l'lupl ott, who beg-at new dulh ,, on Aug. 12 vioush n\l•d as stm workt;r li( tlu; Offic•e of G uatt' St u!1 1,•s and serve• an A< "I t ltttll' for the OJ of ('uull uu ing Outre Servi•·• ''hill' a grad studt•nl t(! ,\tississippi leg<.' A :ww. ~··acluate of Me ian lliglt ·•·lmol , DCI'I'ifl! rect•iwd ti ''·ll'hC'loJ•'s det in h ioltJf.fl.(•iil -;t'ien<'€'S f Misst lipf,i State Unive1 in 2011 Ill' l'lttllf•tl H maste1•'s grce 111 lti.,JIIt•dicnl sciri from ~ll h;t~ippl Coll('g 201a.
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