ECCC squads stum at ltawamba Thurs East Central
Other point makers were Hakeem Wesley of Newton Coun.ty, 15; Walter Evans of Hattiesburg, seven; TeJiminion Leatherwood of Northridge (Ala.) High School and Chris Rhoney of West Lauderdale, six each; Demarcus Clayton of Bay Springs and J amere Eichelberger of Louisville, four each; and Bobby Wrench of Columbus and Keivondre Watford of Tuscaloosa County, t wo each. . Deontaye Ewing scored 26 points to lead the Indians, who improved to 1-1. ECCC squads travel to Mississippi Delta Community College Saturday, Nov. 10. Game times are 2 and 4 p.m. on the Moorhead campus. EC swept at home Mter trailing 43-16 in fir s t-half action, E ast Central Community Col– lege's Lady Warriors ral– lied to take a slim l ead late in the contest but the Holmes Community Col– lege women made key shots in the final seconds to claim a hard-fought 79- 77 decision in EC's home opener Monday night. Sophomore J aianah Matthew led the come– back attempt with 27 points and six rebounds but her efforts fell short as EC fell to 1-5 under first -year head coach Crandal Porter. Matthew, a 5-8 guard, is a product of Arkansas High School in Texarkana, Ark.
J akela Johnson also had a product], e night as she poured in 20 poin ts and gral>b<•rl seVl't' rebounds. . Other s corers for E<.' included Xzand r u l>nwd 12; Reneif' h a Evans eight; Tynesia :M).t kc11s, five; Taylor ll1 ,i,Rtet, t hH•e; and Nakia M illet, t wo Dowd Jed in rehounu. with nine. EC trail~d 48-25 at the break but t'ut~eouJtl U c visitors by a 52·31ma1gin to almost t,Otup lctr.: tl•< rally. In the men's eoutest, EC trailed 32 24 at half time and was unaulc to overcome the ck•licii in a 72-58 setbacJ, to t..lte ' isi tors. Sophomorf' turw,rrd Akeem Toppin ta1li(>d IG points and haulp,d 1n eight• rebounds to ler~d t.h,. W u riors who a1 e winless iu six starts unde1 seventh year head coach Mam >cc Bowie. Other point mal cr were Aquill Baynard 14; Hakeem we~l ey, JlillC, Keivondre Wnttiud fight, Chris Rhone.). t i vc; Demarcus Cl aytou, fum; TeJiminion Lcuth<'r wood of two; a n d Jam 1 Eichelberger, one. Kenitric GilJ uw RCored 17 points to t he lead thP Bulldogs w.ho imp1 oved to 3-1 and register ed theil second. win ove r EC in 2012. Holmes cla imed · 77-68 decisiou Nov a ill Goodman. EC squads h ost North
Community College's bas– ketball squads continue to struggle against MACJC North Division competi– tion as both teams dropped decisions at Itawamba Community College Thursday night in Fulton. The Lady Warriors were outscored by an 85- 65 margin and the Warriors' rally fell short in a 76-68 setback. Sophomore forward Jakela Johnson of Laurel poured in 25 points to lead the EC women, whose record stands a 1-3 under frrst-year head coach Crandal Porter. Johnson, a 6-1 forward, also collected 10 rebounds. She is a product of West Jones High School. Other point maker s were Tyneisa Mickens of Noxubee County, 13; Jaianah Matthew of Arkansas High School in ·Texarkana, 10; Reneisha Evans of Newton County, eight; Niya Hughes of Forest, five; Xzandra Dowd ofNeville (La. ) High School, three; and Nakia Miller of Louisville, one. Evans led in rebounds with 12. Dowd was credit– ed with 10 boards. Latoya Collins pumped A in 24 points to lead the Lady Indians, who C improved to 1-1. EC trailed 37-33 at the N break. In the men's contest, Sl East Central trailed 41-25 M at the break but rallied to outscore the Indians by a 43-35 margin in second half action.
Aquill of Houston, Texas, tallied 22 points and grabbed eight rebounds to lead the Warriors who remain win– less in four starts under seventh-year head coach Maurice Bowie. Baynard is a 6-9 prod– uct of Elsik (Texas) High School. Baynard
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. east Mississippi Conunu nity College Thu s d aL Nov. 15.
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