WEEK OF_\\~' --'-\ ~-l'-"_'f-_'_.:.\_-'=---'_'. _ 1 _ 1
• ECCC women w1n by one at Coahoma Sophomore Jaianah
County and Tyneisa Mickens of Noxubee County, two each. Shyuna Johnson poured in 15 points to lead the Lady Tigers. Her trey in the game's fmal seconds narrowed the EC advan– tage to 55-54 but the Lady Warriors held on and pro– vided Crandal Porter with his first win as head coach . East Central led 29-21 at the break. EC's men were not as fortunate in their season opener and fell 77-71 to the host Tigers. Sophomore Hakeem Wesley was EC's top scor– er with 24 points. Wesley is a 6' guard and product of Newton County High School.
Other point makers were Aquill Baynard of Elsik High School in Houston , Texas , 15; Walter Evans of Hattiesburg, eight; Akeem Topping of Columbus, seven; Demarcus Clayton of Bay Springs, five; Christopher Rhoney of West Lauderdale and Jamere Eichelberger of Louisville, four each ; Bobby Wrench of Columbus, three; and T. J . Leatherwood of Northridge (Ala.) High School, one. Maurice Bowie serves as head coach. Coahoma was led by Alex Thompson and Rigues Desorvul, who each had 15 points.
Matthew pumped in 18 points and led East Central Community College's Lady Warriors to a 55-54 win over Coahoma Community College in the season opener for both squads held Thursday, Nov. 1 on the Clarksdale campus. Matthew is a 5-8 guard and product of Arkansas High School in Texarkana, Ark. Other EC scorers were Jakela Jones of West Jones, 11; Xzandra Dowd of Neville (La.) High School, nine; Reneisha Evans of Newton County, seven; Niya Hughes of Forest, four; and Nakia Miller of Louisville, Taylor Brister of Lawrence
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