ECCC Warrior Tennis Team East Central Community College men's tennis team for 20121~ dudes (kneeling from left) Vacinte Young and Christopher Mays, ~ products d Louisville High School; Andrew Hanna, Newton Ccutty Academy, managers TJ. DIMs d L.oulsvile and ~Smldl of Carthage; and (back row, from left) Josh Peoples, Leake Aalderrr, Lucas Calvert andWlllamMeruvia, ~ of NeshobaCentral; Hllrtlr SUMU, Philadelphia; and Blake Cochran, Newton Courey. Not J» tured IsOJ. Tovmsend, Carthage. The Wamortennls prqpm Is led 111 head coach ~watson and assistant Dianne O'NeiL O'Neill.
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