ECto add tWO-tO Hall of Fame at ho
points- 32.1 points per game (the final win of the remarkable season was via forfeit). Freeman and team members were r·ccognized by the 2012 Mississippi Legislatureprior to r eunion activities held earlier this year lo c:elebrateand reminisce about the team's remark– able season. When contacted about I'C(X}ivingthe pl'('Sligious award, Freeman said he found himself at a loss for words, ob– viously an unusual situation for the Forest resident who recenUy ob– scr'Ved more than 30 years a.c; a State Parm Tnsm·anc.e agent. "It's overwhelming," Freeman said of the honor. "The Athletic l fall of Fume is a very, very unique group... it's like beingawarded a blue ribbon; they don't give but one. Wordscannot describe the feeling." Freeman'saooomplishmcntson the football field began at Morton I ligh School, where he providtld many memorable moments for Panther fans. His proudest moment probably came in the 1964 g-amewith Brandon, when Freeman, at 5-10, 117 pounds, scored ttll of Morton's points. which included a 99 V:! yard interception r-e– turn'. But Freeman did more than just return the pigskin for a score; he added a little "showboating" during the run. "When I got to about midfield, I tul'flcd around and started running backww·ds toward the end zonewhile waving to the Brandon fans," Free– man laughed while recalling the spe– cial moment. "The fans went wild, of <·oursc...but Coach (Dale) Brasher (head <-oach) and Coach (Jack) Tay– lor (assistant) were not amus<..>d one bit. Let's just say I never pulll' Freeman wa.~ a four-year letter– winner at Morton and was selected team captain and best bac·k. He was an honorable mention All Little Dixie Conference selcdion und played in the Mississippi lligh School AU-star Game in 1965. He also excelled in track and twice won the 1(}(}.yard dtt.~h in state com– petition. His best time in the event was clocked at 10 M.'<·onds Oat.· ~ Freeman's atWctic: abilities caught the attention of several college coaches, ~pc..'eman and the other signees, scholan;hip offers were made ··to about 200 players," here– called, "but onJy 30 players would re– ceive scholarships.·· Freeman said he ean still remem– ber heru'ingthe conversation between Coach Cbatwood and his assistant, Hansel King. "Coach King said, 'Dan, what are ·we goingto dowith this manyfootball playersand so fewscholarships'?' And Coach Dan replied, 'We'r-e going to run a bunch of them off.... Freeman clearly remembers turn– ing to teammate Keith Holt and stat– ing, "Keith, we're in for a treat. brother.We're in for a treat. And sm-e enough, we weJ-e ln for· a treat." Freeman "sw'Vivcd" his freshman season and helped lead theWruTiors to a 7-3 record. Highlights includC'd a I :l-6 \\'in over archrival East ~lississippi, led by the legendary Coach "Bull" Sullivan. Freeman helped set up I<:ast Cen– tral's first touchdown \\.'hl'n he inter– cepted a pass near t~idficld and r eturnt' From school reports t~IU1(J." East Central Community College will add two members to its Athletic Hall ofFame at the 2012 homecoming celebration scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 29 on the Decatur campus. Fonner football standoutsTom Mt'– Cullough (Cla.-.s of 1958) of Phila.del- •phia and On:mville Freeman (Class of ~ 1!)(17) of Lake, who also ex:pe1ienced sut•<:css as a high school football coach, will be enshrined into the pre.~ tigious gl'oup during the Alumni As– sociation Awards Luncheon, which begins at 11 a.m. in MabryMemorial Cafeteria. Granville Freeman Granville Freeman was a standout member of the 1965 and 1966 Jt:Atst Central Community Colle~ football looms. Tho speedy hallback and defensive bw:kgruneredAU-star andhonorable 1m•ntion AJI.Statehonors alter helping lead theWarJ·iors to acombined 11-8- ' II wu tlill••itii{ ,pi routlmll htt Hhhl "/\lot lt•gt' pill\ I l'tl \\'1'1'11 11!1 II \\11S llu: only •JIIU \\11ij I to mllego. '!'hey lliiWht you might t.!.XJI\!('1 ~tr{;ulluugh snit! (l(H 'n I) h< n'(•" nmuu~~ 11fll "l><'<.'UUS(! if )UII J-'il( t'lll sent to fi!-,~'ht in ll11• I(Qi nobodywuntc.' 1 l'l'COrd under head ...»IL'll Dan Chutwood. The fot·mcl' Morton I riJ..rh Sehool star c<:aughtlhe attention of Sl'wrnl four-year col– ll'f..'l~-. and universities lo c.·onlinuc his atWetic l'W't.'l'l' uftt•t· East Cen- Freeman experiencing success as a member of Philadelphia High School football team. A standout trw but inslt•ad chose to <·onc·cntmtc on bis tu:ademk studios and Clil'CC.'I' centetilinebacker, Mc– Cullough was namt' And what a stellar "first" career he had u.t Luke l!igh School. where the then 2Ci-yt·m·-old head football coach not onl.v 1('<1 the 1974 Hornets to an un•Mmkd sc~L-.on at 11-0, the tal– l'llh' b-eshman and wa." an All-8tate selection his sophomore sca.."on Mc-cullough said he wa.-. ''\cry proucl"lo S(!f'vt~ his•·ountry a." a nwm– bcr· or llw U.H. Murine Corps, wh1~,.,,
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