the footsteps of a legend. not onlv at East Central. but in the State of Mississippi;' Corhern said. kOur objective is to continue that success and see if we can add to it." Corhern previously served as a graduate assistant at Missouri State University. where he was selected 2012 Outstanding Teaching Grad– uate Assistant. From 2008- 2012 he served as band director at Starkville Acad– emy. Corhern is a graduate of Starkville Academy and re– ceived his bachelor's degree from Mississippi State Uni– versity and his master's de– gree from Missow·i State University. He is a former chapter president of Lambda Phi Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sin– fonia and the Society of Scholars honor society at ·Mississippi Stale University and is a member of Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi honor societies. AdditionaUy, he bas served as Director of Facilitators for the Missis-
Director at Carthage Higti School, have one daughle1·, Anna. Nichol Hillman is serving her seventh year as ECCC Centralette Coordinator/Choreographer. She is a graduate of New– ton County High School, ECCC and the University of Southern Mississippi. \~here she received the bachelor's of fine arts in dance education. Sbe is married to Brandon Hillman of Little Rock and they have four children: 'rucker, Will • • Jesse and Ayda. Janie Mayfield begins her third year as color guard co– ordinator. She previously served as a head coach and director of competitive gym– nastics teams. coached and sponsored coed high !O:t'hool checrleading squads, and choreo&rr» phed cheerleading and gymnastics routines for competition . She is a graduate of Georgetown High School and Lee t!niver~ity. She ha-: three ehildrt'n: Jamie, Keri Ann and .1ase.
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