announces new staff
Samantha Buckley
Violet Lambert
Allcla Lundstrom
ence in several disciplines in– cludingmedica.Vsurgical, emer– ~ncy room, intensive care, post-partum, nursery/NICU, swing-bed and long-term care. A native of Quitman, Lam– bert earned an associate's de– gree in nursing from Meridian CommunityCollege in 1988 and received bachelor and master's degrees in nursing from William Carey University in Hattiesburg, both in 2005. She is married to Ray Lam– bert and tbey have four grown children, Dawn Davidson Moore, Jason Paul Davidson, Miranda Lynn Davidson and Rachel FaithLambert. A fifth child, Justin Keith Davidson, is deceased. TheLamberts also have four grandchildren, Dalton P. Moore, Dixie L. Davidson, Justin Peyton Davidson and Brookilin Stafford.
Meridian, a position she has held since 2003. She is also former Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in– structor at the Clarke County Career andTechnicalCenter in Quitman, and coordinated and supervised clinical rotations at Lakeside Convalescent Center in Quitman for CXAstudents. While at Clarke County Ca– reer and Technical Center, Lambert also served as adviser for theHealthOccupations Stu– dents ofAmerica (ROSA) and in 1993 was reoognized by tbe Mississippi Department of Vo– cational Education as the Out– standing HOSAAdviser. Lambert bas also served as a registered nurse at JeffAnder– sonRegionalMedical Center ii1 Meridian and at H.C. Watkins MemorialHospital in Quitman. In all, she has 24 years of nursing and/or clinical experi-
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