East Central Community CollegB
May2011. While a student at ECce. Hltt was a dean's list scholar and member ofTheta Xi Chap– ter of Phi Theta Kappa, the in– ternational honor society for two-year colleges, andPhi Beta Lambda, an organization for business students. She is married to Matthew Hitt, who serves as Youth Min– ister at Duffee Baptist Church, where she also serves asYouth SundaySchool teacher and co– Youth Leader with her hus– band. She is also active in the Newton CountyYouth Organi– zation for baseball and softball. They have two sons, Jacob, 11; and Logan, six. Samantha Buckley of Lake was recently named eLearning Coordinator at East Central Community Coil~ in Decatur. Buckleypreviouslyservedas administrative assistant to the Dean of eLearning, a position she held since 2007. Prior to her employment at ECCC, Buckley was employed with Trustmark National Bank and earlier served as a cus– tomer service representative with Tower Loan of Missis– sippi.Buckley receivedan asa From sc:hool reports Kirt n>es ofPhiladelphia was recently selected automotive services technology instructor at the Philadelphia/Neshoba County Career-Technology Center, a division of East Cen– tral Community College in De– catur. Doss, who begM his newdu– ties on Aug. 6, previously served as an automotive tech– nician at Nelson Hall Chevrolet ~ in Me1idian since2009. He held 1 the same position at Tolbert Chevrolet from 2001-09. His work experience also includes serving as CNC Machinist at Taylor Machine Works in Philadelphia from 1997-2001 and at US Motors in Philadel– phia from 1992-97. He began his career as an auto mechanic at S&H Firestone in Philadel– phia, where he was employed from 1989-1992. A graduate of Neshoba Cen– tral HigbSchool, Doss received an associate's degree in aut .· Kirt.Doss ian and Lauderdale County health-related facilities. In all, Wllson bas 24 years of diverse supervisory, nursing and/or clinical experience in various medical settings includ– ing hospitals, clinics, school systems, health departments and detention facilities. A graduate of Southeast Lauderdale Higb School. Wll– son earned an associate's de– gree in nursing from Meridian CommunityCollege in 1988 and receivedbachelor and master's degrees in nursing from Regis Universityin Denver, Colorado, in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Wilson raises wirehaired pointinggriffons and is founder and director of Dragonfly Dreamer Rescue, acaregiver to numerous rescued pets. She is themother offour chil– dren, Misty Stokley Diaz, Eli Stokley and Benjamin Stokley, all of Lauderdale County, and Allyssa Stokley Garcia of Fort Collins, Colorado. Alicia Lundstrom of Morton was recently selected Associate Degree Nursing instructor at East Central Colllll)unity Col– lege in Decatw-. Lundstrom, wbo began her new duties on Aug. 10, previ– ously served as a member of the College's Practical Nursing faculty, a position held since 2009. Priot to joining the ECCe staff, Lundstrom was employed at Scott Regional Hospital in Morton where she has held nu– merous positions, includingdi- Bridgett Hltt rector of emergency services, assistant director of nursing services and director ofpatient registration. She continues to work part-time at Scott Re– gional tomaintain clinical prao– tice. She has also held nursing positions atvarious healthcare facilities. A 1999 graduate of Morton H1g1l School, Lundstrom re– ceived an associate's degree in nursingfrom ECce in2006and earned a bachelor's degree in nursing from the University of SouthernMississippi in 2008. She completed a master's degree in nw'SingfromWilliam Carey University in Hatties– burg in 2011, where she is cur– rently enrolled in PhD courses. She bas presented research otr tained from her master's courseworkat national nursing conferences. Lundstrom, a certified nurse educator, is a member of nu– merous nursing organizations and recently servedas Dis · 15 vioo preSident of the Missis– sippi Nurses' Association. She is married to Jay Lund– strom and they have two chil– dren, Cody, eigbt and Caley. six. 17 VIolet Lambert of Quitman - was recently chosen Practical _ Nursinginstructorat East Cen- tral Community College in De- ___ catw·, announced Stewart. Lambert, who began her new - duties on Aug. 13, previously served as a registered nurse at Rush Foundation Hospital in
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