Hill steps down as coach 1 20 n East Central CC All-American (softbalVbasketball), J j said following in Hill's footsteps announces multiple
makes the opportunity to serve as Lady Diamond Warrior coach "even more special." "First and foremost, I want to thank Coach Hill for everything he has done for the softball program at East Central. He truly has bettered the program with the renovations to the field as well as bringing the frrst ever championship to the program," she said. "I would not be able to be in this position without him and will forever be grateful for everything he has done for this program as well as for me.'' Chaney said. The new Lady Diamond Warrior head coach said she looks forward to continuing the program's success. This is a special time for me and I cannot begin to express my excite– ment. I only hope to build on the rich Bill Smith began his emplo)ment at East Central in 2001 as men's head basketball coach. He led the squad for four years and an overall 4 2 - 6 6
coaching changes
DECATUR - Several coaching changes were approved at East Cen– tral Community College in Decatur following the June 12 meeting of the College's Board of Trustees, announced ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin. Scott Hill, a Forest native who has served as fast-pitch softball head coach and director of intramurals since 2003, has stepped down to become a full-time faculty member at the College. Kristin Chaney, Hill's assistant the past four years and one of hts former players, was selected as his successor. The Lad} Warrior basketball pro-
ecce PHOTO "I am excited to step in to this role Scott Hill, a native of Forest, stepped as head coach," she said. "I love East down as head coach of the Lady Warrior Central from the bottom ofmy heart. fast-pitch softball team. I ,., ill forever bleed black and gold.
"I feel very blessed to have had the gram is also undergoing a change in opporturuty to coach softball here at leadershtp. East CentraL" Hill said. "ll bas been tradition here." Bill Smith has retired to pursue a wonderful experience not only for other opportunities, which may possi- me but for my family as well. I am bly include coaching on a different sad because there is so much that I level. will miss, but having the chance to Hill, 43, is one of the most sue- spend a little more time with my fam– cessful coaches at East Central. His ily is something I know I will cherish. O\ eraII record is 308-123-l and I look forward to assuming this new m a r k , includes the program 's ftrst Region role as fulltime instructor which will w h i c h ~~ment first MACJC State Tournament help young people at a place that is so berth in the champ10nship in 2011. dear to me." MAC J C The 2010 squad placed fourth in Hill added, "I have had the great and Region the NJCAA Division II National fortune to have had many fine young 23 tourna– Women's Softball Championship en ladies to come through this program ments in route to a record 47 victories with just that definitely made it what it is 2002-03. 11 losses and one tie. today. I will always be so grateful for S m i t h · The same squad was recognized as their many sacrifices on and off the 51, took the NJCAA Academic Softball Team field. over the pro– Region 23 Softball Coach of the Year know that we might have had some gram in 2005 following the successful campaign. very small part in helping them along and reeled of the Year by posting a 3.69 grade "It is very satisfying to see them Lady War– point average. Hill was named start a career and a family....and rior
title in 2010 and the continue to give me the chance to included a IIPIIIftl____ _.:o~~
Bill SmJth
Hill's 2011 team placed fifth in the the way. I don't hesitate to recognize off six consecutive winning seasons, national competition and fmished 37- the huge impact they have had on my including a Region 23 championship 15. The talented squad also received life." in 2007-08 and a berth in the NJCAA NJCAA Softball Academic Team of Hill said he is ''very pleased" that Women's Basketball Championship the Year honors with another 3.69 the Board of Trustees approved en route to a 22-8 record. grade point average. He received Chaney as his successor. ··His overall record as women's Region 23 Softball Coach ofthe Year "It is reassuring to have someone head coach is 101 -79. honors in recognition of his team's !he caliber of Kristin Chaney to step "I've enjoyed my 11 years here,"
m and take 0\·er this program." Hill Smith said. "1 just felt like it was time n.:x ~ears here as he--. t rttire and oursue some other job ~L Sdfiliil~a.:b.iJ Coectl ~ -..-..~--o~u. - ........ _.. ·w"-•~--ULJ..~ been "ith me for six of those .>ears, umt! ht:re... both ,,.th. the mens dllc two as a player and four as•a coach. women's teams. I'm looking forward There is no way to measure just how to a new challenge and a new chapter important she has been to me and the in my life." Lady Warrior softball program. She is Smith said the highlight of his truly ready for this opporttmity and 1 tenure was the 2007-08 season, when .,,.,... "" ov~;·~~ +'~· "'"·" the Ladv Warriors caoturecl the
stratght MACJC Central Dt\ tston titles, when the league was divided into three areas of competition prior to the current setup of North and South divisions. Hill had "mixed feelings" about ct-Onr'\;n,.,.. rlnnrn ~Itt ~"':A n ~.n,..:.-.o tn
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