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Coaches Changes at ECCC
Student of me Year allel LadY Eagle Award In 2006-07. She was also a member of the 200&-07 allel 2007-<)8 LadY Eagle softball teams Chaney os a 2005 hOnor graduate of ECCC allel a Hall of fame member. In addition to recetvong NJCAA AJI-Amencan horlOI'S •n softball allel basketball she was selected an NJCAA Academoc All-American allel fimshed second In the NJCAA Female Athlete cl the Year compeboon. She helped lead the 2004 allel 2005 fast·pitch softllal teams to MACJC Central DIVISIOn champoonshops en route to records of 26-14 and 34·5, ~pectrwely FoUowong tt1e 2004 campaJ9n, Chaney was one of roy mree freshmen and the roy M•SSISSIPPan selected second team NJCAA Amencan She receiVed All· Region 23, MACJC All-State and MACJC AJI Play Casino Games Freel Acd OoubleDo,.TI IO< free & play you< ta•on:ecasno gam<~s on F,_ OOutMOOwnca o«\o :c:Mn More Stories PRT R IC K CRLLEN ompames- OVertleOO(Ms. ~8 Cf1l!tte m:MllmS Courtney Steps Down as MCC Hoops Coach Alligator Season Permrts Available Hotels Gearmg Up for State Games Former Auburn Football Players K1lled m Shooting Coaches Changes at ECCC State Games Events Affect Bonrta Lakes Park Wass Named AII·Amencan Yankees Blank Braves 3·0 611412012 http://wwvv.-vvtok.com/sports/headlines/Coaches_Changes_at_ECCC_ l58988355.html
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