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Dr. Bi ly Stewart selected ECCC President Special to The Star
Dr Billy Stewart (center) was selected the e1ghth president of East Central Community College during a late afternoon press ·conference held on the Decatur campus on Tuesday. Also shown are Dr. Stewart's wife, Stephanie, and ECCC Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Jimmy Hollingsworth of Lake, who announced the board's unaniMous dec1sion. Dr. Stewart currently serves as v1ce president for administration and finance at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College in Perkmston. Dr. Stewart beg1ns his new duties on July 1, 2012.
An administrator from Missis· sippi Gulf Coast Community Col· lege in Perkinston emerged from four finalists to become the next president of East Central Commu– nity College in Decatur. Dr. Billy W, Stewart, vice pre~i dent for administration and finance at MGCCC, was unani– mously selected ECCC's eighth president at the Board ofTrustees meeting held Tuesday. See Sn:tJur on page A3 ---
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future of ECCC." Dr. Hollingsworth said. Dr. Stewart,
ECCC Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Jimmy HolHngsworth of Lake said Dr. Stewart and Dr. Michael J. "Mike" McGrevey, were recommended for the top post following inter– views of four finalists conducted by the Presi– dential Search Com· mittee, composed of Board ofTrustees mem– bers represe nting t he College's suppor t dis-
trict. which includes Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott and Win· s ton counties. Dr. Stcwart received a standing ovat1on by board members as he was introduced by Dr. Hollingsworth at a press conference fol· lowing the meeting. "Dr. Stewart brings great community col– lege experienl<:' and a dynamic vision for the
for academic instruc· tion/inslitutional research and effective– ness/SACS liaison at East Mississippi Commu– nity College in Scooba. Dr. Stewart, 43, suc– ceeds Dr. Phil A. Sut· phin, who earlier announced plans to retire on June 30, fol– lowing 12 years of service leading the two– year instil uti on. As MGCCC's chief financial office~ Dr. Stewart oversees a budget of more than $100 million covering the college's four com– prehensive campuses and four cent rs. The College has an annual payroll in excess of $48 million. ·
MGCCC's Administrator ofthe Year for 2011-12, said he looks forward to taking East Central Com– munity College to even greater levels of excel– lence He begins his new duties on July 1. "1 am excited about working with the ECCC family and building upon the foundation as set forth by Dr. Phil Sutphin, Dr. Eddk 1\f. Smith and the other former presidents," Dr. Stewart said. The other top candi– dates were Dr. Randall E. Lee, ECCC vice presi– dent for student serv– ices: and Dr. Andrea Mayfield, vice president
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