WEEK OF llltt@ [I I U> I'L-
Anna Kerr Cain joins ECCC AnnaKerr Cain ofChunky is a members of ,....,..------. o u r
recent addition to the Adult Ba.-.ic Education/GED Department at East Central Commuruty College in Decatur, announced Ryan Oarke, program director. Cain began her new duties as a part-time GED Examiner and most recenlly wa<> named Dropout Recovery Recruiter. As the College's Dropout Recovery Recruiter, Cam travels throughout the five-county district promoting ABF/GED cla~s loca tions. which include the ECCC campus; Philadelphia/Neshoba County Career-Techrucal Center; ECCC Career Advlmcement Center in Louisville; Forest/Scott County Career and Tedmulogy Center m Forest: Leake County Career-Technical Center in Carthage; Carthage Career Advancement Center; Forest WIN Job Center; and Morton Public Library. In 2008, the Mississippi Legislature began funding the Dropout Recovery Initiative at all 15 community and Junior col– leges. The goal ofthe legt lation is to lower the number of Mississippi aduJLs without a h.Jgh school diploma or GED from 26 percent to the national average of 20 percent with 10 years, which according to estimates wouJd fuel an estimated $793,840,800 in eco– nomic benefits for the state. "As a resuJt of the initiative.
ABE/GED cla.-;~s who qualify as first-time GED Te~t takers have .,~-~~ their initial. _.....,_ __.. Anna Kerr fee wruved, Cain a savings of $15 per student," said Clarke. "East CentraL is also able to pro– vide one free college cla~s for each GED recipient attending col– lege for the first time as a part– time student." Cain was previously employed with Regions Bank in Newton, Security National Bank in Ruston, La., and Creative linages and Pretty Presentations, both located in Ne\.,ton. She is a 1998 graduate of ECCC, where she was a member of the Ac'cents Show Choir and Centraletk~. the dance line for the Wall o· SolJld ~1arching Band Sh~ I'- married to Jason Cain and they have three children: Pt!yton, Olivia and Riley Kerr. all : students in the Newton County • School District They ru-e members of Hickory Baptist Church. Cain is also available to speak to community organizations about the College's ABEIGED Program and can he contacted at 601-635- 6278
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