~mz:t::lblma£ast£entral Co!Mllllity College in Decatur and their respective high schools incli.Xle l"2:!s l). lcUsvlle; wide receivef KetVondre watford (2), Tuscaloosa Central; defensive ,..........~-~-"~ 5a::d\ Ronda k wide receiver Corf!/ Cof~er (4), Tuscaloooa County; runrq back Lavadius ~~--.1:!. Forest Hill; wide receiver/defensive back Reggie Hall (7), Neville {Mooroe, LA~ wide ~ .........- Texas); wide l'ereNer Brock Hall (9), Paul W. Bryant (Tuscaloosa, AI.~ quarterback ~xiI;~£~~ em fnebadr.er RiclqCavanaugh (U), L.aJ (Aistin, TelaS); (second row, from ~ Mitttl Mariey (13), Pittstug (leesburg, Texas~ defensive back Ben ti~la:::eL..it:::e:::ll:jil!ti:i:i2::~ D3rl w'rerl (lS),WeS.LaOOerdale; n.mring biD Ike Cheny (16), Gautier, ouarterback ~·~±!5:::::. ::.or..-~ keb;~ Jeremy Motgan (l8), Ptliladei11Jia; fineba.cker Martin Wilson (19), Neshoba cze::s:;e -~ .. ~~ ~; n.rm~ back Jaabir $teJilens (22), Hillcrest (Tuscaloosa, At); and v.;de ~ird rr1N, from left) defensive back Doolinique Carter (24), NanlhWflya; ercnce Den1ly (28). New Hope .(Cdumbus, MS}; defensive back Tun Oster (30), iiiE:r:s1;32l.lbcmasWie (~~~end Josh Martin (34). Paul W. Bryant (Tuscaloosa, , inebcDer Trey Wynn (36), Hillcrest (Tuscaloosa, AI.); finebacker Tarus 'Mlite ~E!IIII!;a.::::;:~:::;,.;,.u.....,...."'=au."-""' ..... k:aderny; (fourth roN, from left) linebacker~n Gtay(40), Tunica Acade- 21iLtc.Z~1Iillirle!:JDI'I!ti!D:ca:erTyter Rctilson (43), Newton County; Unebacker Austin Conn (44), M"u:e; line– bb!di:e! Zac:h Q:m i47), Mile; de!ensiYe ~end Parker Jones (48), Winston Acade– ~.<~iiil!;~ lileman Remtlld .Jackson (52), T!SCaloo>a Colll1y, and~~ fitrn lett otfensNe ineman Park StEYens (62), New Hope; dfensive lineman llin~,;.'S,~b-.bllllqr~~e:w~~ mnan Johnny~ (65) and alfensive lileman Mackenzie Lee (66). :::i!eS'II!!:•~JK:Jn:l!!t:m.5 (70), T•s:atxsa Coun!y, ~lineman Dustin Tubt7f(71), Neshoba Ce~ ....._~ ~AI..~ offensive lineman Justin Kilpatrick (73), Neshoba Central; offen. :m detcnsiYe tlemasl Semisl Tupou (75), Otange (Loog Beach, rA); (sixth row, from !!I:Z~;~:e\II::.WiiF."!!C: -. a. !Sa Con:r. de:feR;iye end Maher Btadfoo:! (811 Scxit Central; wide receiver Cameron '*-,.,...· ~IIB!It '83~ SaJth Leake; defensive ba<:fV'wide receiver Jinvnie Brooo1field ~~ Mmrrt detensiYe ineman Jaoob Gilbert(94~ Neshoba Cerrtrat defensive Cl!!!::sie En:l V:xn:k Lu::ixs (96~ Tuscaloosa County; defensive tad APPE;. ... :: : .ESHOBA DEMOCRAT _____ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL y/" CLARION-LEDGER------ ~ ""'===-- - -- MERIDI ! s-- ~ -------
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