·we have-some huge guy... up front.•..and we don't <•xpect them to get pushed around," he said. Some ofthe "huge guys" o~ defense include Darnell Hughes (6-6, 350} of Forest Bradley Dorsey (6-6, 385) of Morton, and recent addition, SP.misi 'fupou (6-5, 419) of Orange High School in Long Beach, Calif. "We've not had players of that size and statue since I've been here," said Anderson. In addition to the defen– sive players mentioned, Anderson said other stand– outs include ends LaKenneth Weidman (6-5, 233) of South Leake and Vondrick Lucious (6-6 , 270) of Tuscaloosa County; tackle Kalvin Smith (6-1, 302) of Newton County; linebackers Ricky Cavanaugh (6-2, 215) of LBJ High School in Austin, TX, Darius Wren (5-10, 208) of West
Lauderdale and honorable mention All-American Chris Ficklin of Scott Central; and secondary members Dennis Thames (6', 188) ofLouisville, a transfer from Mississippi State University; Jonathan Scott (6-5~ 190) of
recognition, he was nnuwd AU-Region 23 and first. l~nm MACJC All-State. "Chris is a player,'' Anderson. ''He makes tac.kl from sideline to sideline." id Thames was included lP The Clnrion Ledger
Returnees Jimmie Broomfield (5-11, 190) ofScott. Central and Za Reese (6', 155) of Morton are among con– tenders at cornerback. "Our secondary should be very, very good," said Anderson. Anderson said this year's special teams will be much improved with the addition of punter Rob Moffitt ofWinston Academy and kicker Dylan Alford of Leake Academy. "We've not had a punter like Rob or a kicker like Dylan since I've been here," said Anderson. "These two guys will make a huge impact on our team this year." Moffitt (5-11, 205) received All-8tate and All-Star honors in 2010 and is a tlu;ee-t.ime AU-Conference selection.
lmt of most 'hono
Anderson i with the offensive lin
"Up front. offensivl''ly w are huge... bigg~.k than what: 've have been," he snld "Bigger dues not. nl wnys mcau better, howevcr....hut we do have great.. size." Thp returnees on the offen– sive line include Tute Rogers (6-1, 280) of Louis,ille, who will start at center; and tack– le Andre Lucious (6-1, 315) of Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) High School. They were part of an offensive line that helped the squad average 176.7 rushing yards per con– test. Anderso said he is "most excited" about. the defense, which last year wa.~ ranked second overall in the MACJC, allowing 279.2 yards per con– test.
''C hris (Ficklin) is a player. He makes tackles from
Dandy Doze11 in 2008 prio:r to signln
Sea breeze High School in Daytona Beach, FL, formerly with the
with MSlJ.
h o n o r include All State and All Division.
University of sideline to sideline." --Brian Anderson
W e s t Vrrginia; and Ben Brooks (5-9, 175) of Northeast Lauderdale. Weidman was named to the first team All-State and All-District squads . Ficklin led the state in total tackles .vith 126 and placed second in the nation. In addition to All-American
s c 0 t t received All American honor in high school and was also an All-State selection. He wfl8 chosen central Florida's top defensive back in 2009. Brooks received first team All-State and All-Distrit:l honors and was namccl District Defensive Back of tho
~ See ECCC on 19
from the 30 yard line in col– leg(' (instead of tho 40), so we don't cxpect90 percent ofhis kicks to la nd in the e nd zone. But n<•vcrtht'l<.•Rfl he hn ' a grt~nt. fnnl a nd wtll lw fl I rt\llll'lldnuA
"Rob averaged in excess of 42 yards per punt, which is a great average at. any level," Anderson said. "His average will probably soar since he will only be punting
se l ectio n lnst. season and n•ccivcd hun ornble me ntion honorH 111 ~()09 HT>y lnn had 48 lnuchbtu·k~o~ L•" t 1\1'1\Aon , which woH a n •mnrkahlt' nccompliHh 1111'11 t ," flll td Anrl<'rNon "Of wurNo lw'l l lw kH·k•nJ: oil'
a nd not. playing oth er pos• tions hkl' he did in h i g h school." Alford (6', 210),
Hflfll' I fill uur " p •• l' I ' I ltllllll 8, l\ll will Hnh." Mt•mluws' ot Cunch Andt• r son '!i s t aff include B 1 a k c Fr az i er, d efensive
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