r·-.~--··--- that year against Ole Mtss when they finished the 1959 year as number one in the country." Fisackerly said he did not play in the final fhe games of the 1959 season and became disgruntled '' ith the situation. He accepted a transfer scholarshtp to Delta Stale College (now Della State University) and played football for two years. He was a defenstve tackle in 1960 and switched io offen– sive tackle in 1961. Fisackcrly gradu– ated from Delta State in Janu– ary 1962 "vith a bachelor's degree in education. His in-
tices to get ready for the upcoming season." Fisackerly noted the campus atmosphere was the best part about attend– ing East Central. "The friendly atti– tudes of the college profes– sors were the things that impressed me most about EC," be stated. "They were always willing to listen to your problems and help you achieve in their classrooms. The professors were also very supportive in our quest to win athletic games." Fisackerly was also appreciative of his coaches. "I thank my ECCC coaches who helped me achieve everything that I
''After betng humbled in my freshman year in 1957 at East Central by playing behind some outstanding tackles, I really enjoyed my sophomore year," he stated. Although he let– tered as a freshman, Fisackerly was elevated to first-team status as a sopho– more and started at left tackle weighing 21 0 pounds. He was also elected team co– captain along with Jimmy Livingston of Tuscaloosa. The 1958 season was a suc– cessful campaign and came on the heels of2-6-2 mark in 1957. "We won seven games in I 958 and lost four,
country in 1979. He retired on Jan, I, 1996. Fisackerly and Georgia were married for43 >ears \\hen she lost her battle \Hth hver cancer in August 2005. They had fo ur children: Linda, James Jr., Kenneth and Michael. Ftsackerly has nine grand– chtldren - seven boys and two girls. His hobbies are ftshing and hunting and spending t1me with his grandchildren.
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