Fisackerly to Join ECCCAthletic Hall ofFame
which was better than the so-called expert sportswrit– ers had predicted for us," he said. "l was also honored to be selected an All-State and All-American." Fisackerly also has fond memories of playing baseball at ECJC. " I enjoyed my one year ofbaseball as a pitcher for Coach Tom Chaney's team in the spring of 1958," he said of his brief career, highlighted by his selection as the team's most valuable pitcher. He also played third base and was one of the top hitters '"'ith a .343 average. Fisackerly said his athletic experience at East Central was not only a positive one but also sometimes humor– ous. "The most unusual and later on humorous event occurred in the fall of 1958 during two-a-day prac– tices in August,'' he recalled with a smile. " I had worked hard in spring training to earn the starting left tackle job. When we reported to stan practice, I was told that a tackle was coming to play at EC that had made the All Service Football All-Star Team (military football). To make a long story short, this All ervice Team tackle did not make it through ahs– thenics during the first day of practice! He packed his bags that night and left Decatur to go home. It was humorous then... after some apprehension on my part!" Regarding those twice daily practices in August, Fisackerly said he would just soon forget about them! "I would say that the two-a-day workouts in August for football were the least enjoyed times in my athletic career at East Cen– tral," he said. "Those had to be the hottest days ever when we were doing the necessary two-a-day prac-
He was a two-sport standout at then East Cen– tral Junior College but espe– cially excelled in football , earning National Junior Col– lege All-America and first team All-State honors at tackle in 1958. Jim Fisackerly, a Morton native who suc– cessfully continued his ath– letic career on the university level, is joining teammate Kenneth Dunagin of Decatur as the latest induct– ees into the ECCC Athletic Hall of Fame. The pair will be enshrined during home– coming activities scheduled Saturday, Oct. 8, 2011, on the Decatur campus. Regard ing the honor, Fisackerly, who re– sides in New Orleans, said, "I am indeed humbled by this great achievement but I am also thrilled to be ac– cepted as an entry into the Athletic Hall of Fame at ECCC. Ofthe many accom– plishments I have had, I count this one as the great– est." Fisackerly carne to East Central in 1957 from Morton High School, where he excelled athletically and academically. lie played four years of football - capped by his selection to All Little Dixie Conference and honorable mention AU– State teams. lle was also selected team captain his senior season. In addition, Fisackerly played three years of basketball and two years of baseball. His suc– cess in academics was high– lighted by his selection as class valedictorian. When he arrived on the East Central campus to begin his freshman year, the 190-pound Fisackerly admitted it took a while to adjust his new role as a backup, after being a starter for most of his career at Morton.
Jim Fisackerly
tentions were to begin a ca– reer as a teacher and coach soon after graduation but instead he served six months of military active duty through the Mississippi National Guard unit in Mor– ton. When he com– pleted military duty in Sept. 1962, he said "all the good teaching and coaching jobs had been taken." so he ...tartcd t" 1.. JOb inten Jew mg process through the Rudy Tatum Agency in Jackson. He was soon hired by Lever Brothers Company, a soap and detergent manufacturer, as a sales representative in the Richmond, VA, market. It was during this period when he met his future wife, the former Georgia Crute. They were married in June 1963. Fisackerly won nu– merous sales awards and other honors with Lever Brothers throughout his 33- ycar career, highlighted by his selection as the top dis– trict sales manager in the
was able to achieve. Coach Clayton Blount in my fresh– man year was a great moti– vator. Coach Bobby Oswalt and Coach Tom Cheney in my sophomore year moti– vated and pushed me to be able to achieve what I did in my sophomore year. They were all extremely good coaches and motivators." Fisackerly's suc– cess his sophomore season recei,ed national attention. as he was selected a first al– ternate for the JUCOAll-Star Football Game held in Cali– fomia. He did not play in the contest but was later noti– fied that he was chosen on the JUCO All American Team and received a certifi– cated designating the honor. Fisackerly, whose 6-2 frame now carried 235 pounds, transferred to Memphis State University, where the left tackle enrolled in the second trimester. He was redshirted even though he played in the first five games as•a third string left tackle. "I even nl:wt>rl h:~lfthe ~Zame
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