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ECCC to hold Cheer tryouts April 9 East Central Community College in Decatw will hold tryouts for th~ 2011-12 Cheerleadina Squad at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 9 in the Soutb Campus Gymnasium. Pre-tryout clinics are scheduled in the Soutl: Campus gym from 5 to 7 p.m. on the followin~ dates: February 15 and 22; March 8, 22 and 29 and April 5, 6 and 7. The April clinics arE mandatory for all participants. For more information contact cheer coach Shel ley Thoms at 601-635-5355. The e-mail addresf is shelleythomf:@yahoo.com. ECCC hosts invitational A full weekend of community college
Receive ECCC Baseball Awards at First-Pitch Dinner These members of the 2011 East Central Community College baseball team received var– Ious honors at the annual First-Pitch Dinner held Friday, Feb. 4, in Mabry Memorial cafete– ria on the Decatur campus. From left are freshman outfielder Tyler Neal, a product of Edin– burg High School, winner of the prHeason competition, "Warrior Challenge,· and freshman pitcher Brock Ward of Louisville, credited with this year's slogan, •practice As If You Are the Worst; Play As If You Are the Best.• Also pictured are award winners from the 2010 season, utility player Chartes Hill, most Improved player and first baseman/pitcher Richie Long, most valuable offensive player, both of carthage. Longwas also named All-Region 23 and MACJC All-State. At right is sophomore third baseman Vincent Kortbawi, a product of Hale County High School in Moundville, Ala., winner of the annual Home Run Derby competition held dur– ing pre-season activities. Other award-winners from the 2010 season but not pictured include catcher/outfielder Quinn Stokes of carthage, All-Region 23, MACJC All-State and academic award; Infielder Allen Johnson of Leake Academy, most valuable pitcher; pitch– er/outfielder Ernie Triplett of Louisville, most valuable player, and infielder/outfielder Andre
p.m . matchup betweer Andrew College anc Gulf Coast. Games schedule< Saturday includ1 Andrew College vs ECCC at 10 a.m. Baton Rouge Commu nity College an< Andrew College at : p.m.; Lincoln Lane Community College o Springfield, Illinois vs ECCC at 4 p.m.; ant Baton Rouge and Lin coin at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 fo all three days ofcomJ)E tition or $5 each day.
baseball is on tap when the 2011 Rush Invita– tional gets under way Friday, Feb. 18, at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex at East Cen– tral Community Col– lege in Decatur. Competition begins at noon Friday with Wallace State of Andalusia, Ala., taking on Mississippi Gulf Coast Community Col– lege. Wallace State and Andrew College of Cuthbert, Ga., battle at 3 p.m. followed by a 6
Yates of Grenada, most valuable defensive player. Johnson and Triplett are continuing their careers at Belhaven University and Delta State University, respectively. Diamond Warrior head coach Neal Holliman presented awards. Mac Seibert, regional supervisor with the New York Mets, was guest speaker. (EC Photo)
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