MCC struck with the first run of the game with a solo home run from Brian Donohoe in the bottom of the third inning to give the Eagles the lead. ECCC answered right back with a long ball of its own to tie the game in the top of the fourth inning. Vince Kor:ba 1 brought tht: fir:.t run dCrus:. the plate on the solo home run over
the wall for the Warrior... East Central (:?-2) would evcnutally take the lead in the top oi the seventh thanks to a throwm~ ,,rror by MCC. Tyler Brant reached base on a walk for the Warnors and Ia t:·r ..;cored in the inning en a •hr ~6n;:: rr r by the Eagies to gi\'e ECCC abner ...!-llead MCC snatched the lead away from in the .final round of the Rush Invi– tational Tournament against Wabash Valley at 1 p.m. at Scaggs Field. Wabash Valley 4 The Eagles picked up its second win over Wabash·Valley in the tour– nament despite making some costly errors early in the game. The Warriors scored four runs in the top ofthe second inning on four errors by the Eagles, but MCC was able to rebound for the three-run . victory. MCC scored first in the game with a pair of runs in the bottom of the first inning to take a 2-0 lead over Wabash Valley. One run scored on an RBI single by Nolan Thomas and the second r un scored on a throwing error by Wabash Valley.TheWarriors scored all of Meridian 7
East Central with the pair of home r uns to make the score 5-2. Wass smahsed a solo home run over the scoreboard in right field and Farmer added a three-run shot later in the inning to give Meridian the three-run lead See MCC on page D2----– its runs in the top of the second inning and took its only lead of the game 4-2.Three of the r uns scored on a missed fly ball with the bases loaded by Meridian and fourth run scored on an infield error by the Eagles. MCC came right back after the miscues and scored a pair of runs to tie the game at 4-4 in the bottom of the second inning. One run scored on an RBI single by Johnny Tolson and Roberts knocked in the second run on a single for the Eagles. Meridian added two more 'runs in the bottom of the fifth on a two-run home run byWass anq RobertS drove the final run ofthe game in with a sacrifice fly in the sixth inning. MCGended the game with eight hits andTolson led the charge with two'hits for Meridian. Chase Jordan (1-0) picked up the pitching win for Meridian by tossing four scoreless innings in relief.
MCC from page Dl . ECCC added a run in the final inning on an RBI single by Jeremy May, but the Warriors would fall to the Eagles by a .final of 5-3. MCC (8-1) ended the game with nine hits and was led by Kenny Roberts with two hits and Donohoe collected a pair of hits in the vic– tory. Kortbawi led the way for ECCC with a pair of hits and D.ru-– mall Moore also collected a pair of hits in tne loss for the .Warriors. Former Enterprise standout Steven Taylor (1-1) picked up the pitching win in relief for Meridian and Tyler Dalton (0-1) was saddled with the pitching loss in relief for East Central. The Warriors also lost its final game of the day to Wabash Valley by a final score of 9- 7. Meridian returns to action today
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