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WEEK OF _______________
Several ECCC staffers receive new assignments
pursumg a do cto ral degree. Case is married to the former Paige Sulli– van of Brook– haven. They have t h r e e daughters. Elizabeth, 19, Cather– tne, 17; and M a r y Mad elon, 14. Prior to his promo– tion. Pace served as ASSOCiate Director for Technology Man age– ment. H e joined · the ECCC staff tn 1996 after previ– ously serv– ing as data proce~sing manager at Peco Foods of Missis-
Several staff members have recently asswned new roles at East Central Community College in Decatur, announced ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin. David Case IS the new Dean of · Admission~. Records and Research; Derek Pace is now Director for Technology Manage– ment and Regena Boykin is serv– ing as Associate Director for Technology Management. Case previously served as Assistant to the President for Planning, lnstirutional Research and Technology and Director for Technology Management. Case, a Jackson native, joined the ECCC Maffin 1995. He prev1ously served as assis– tant professor in technology edu– cation at the University of West Alabama in Livingston. He is a former graduate instructor at the University of Alabama School of Commerce and Business Admin– i~tration in Tuscaloosa and Mill– saps College School of Manage– ment in Jac~on. He is also a for– mer a<;sistant vice president for Trustmark National Bank/Unifirst Bank in Jackson. A graduate of Jim f-hll High chool in Jackson, Case received a bachelor's degree in cngmecr– ing from the University of Mi~sis sippi and earned a master's in business admmistrauon from Millsaps College. He is currently
sippi, LLC. in Sebastopol. He also held silnllar positions at Hughes Aircr:Ut (now Raytheon Systems, Inc.) of Mississippi, Inc.. in For– e~1; Green Acre Farms. Inc. (now Peco Foods) m Sebastopol; and DataCenter Systems mJackson. Pace is a former president of the Mississippi Community and Junior College Computer Center Directors' Association. A 1981 graduate of Lake Attendance Center. Pace attended ECCC in 1981-82 and the Uni– versity of Southern Mississippi, where he received a bachelor's degree in computer science/data processing in 1984. Pace is married to the former Patty Calven of Ph1ladelphia. who is employed with Nesh<;>ba County Schools. They have two sons. Benjamin. 15; and Brian, I0; both srudents at Neshoba Cen– tral. They reside m the Shady Grove community in Neshoba County. Boykm joined the ECCC staff in 2003 and served a~ Assistant Director for Technology Manage– ment prior to her promotion. She "a~ previously employed as office as~ist.11lt at East Central Mississippi Health Care m Seba~topol She is a fomer ~- work control ti!Ch.1Jcu;A ~ CowSl Tt>l ::..: - ~-
as an imentO!) e;.er' Hardware in Sebastopol
NESHOBA DEMO A 1996 graduate of Sebastopol Attendance Center, Boykin SCOTT COUNTY· received an associate's degree in computer programming from WINSTON COU :1 ECCC in 1998 and is currently CLARION-l.EDGS ~ursuiJl&. a bachelor's degree in mforrnauon technology. She 1!. mamed to James
Boykin, who is employed at the Philadclphia/Neshoba County Career-Technical Center as Build– ing Trades instructor. They have two children, Wesly, eight; and Samantha, four. ThP.v live in the Prosnect
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