Decatur deeds three streets to ECCC By Bill Graham Appeal Managing Editor not plreemcal." Max Andm·son of Ward 1 applying for $100,000 small muni<'ipalitie~ ghml · •'I' he boon I uppron>d I he the
agl'eed. and hom·d approved the transfer of tht– th• re streets. In other mutters du1·ing lht' othel'\\ iHc routine two– h ,. meeting: •The town got a clean hill of lwaltb in an nudit report. '!'he audit was neccss!lt) bct•mtsc the town bad han– dled more the $500.000 in fcd– Pral money, nuditor 'l'ony Chance said. '!'he bulk of the monPv. rcc•eivcd under a r•·:mt program, was u::;ct.l to upgrade the town's scwl'r system. Chance noted one issue '\\-ith the ''iltternal c.ontrol" of the to"11's accounting. but emphasized that the pi'Oblem wns common among smull towns. "Ewrything is good·the town passed," he said. • Tht' bo:ml discu s!'t>d
pun:·hase of new tires for a fif{' tl'lwk, on the l'fttUCst of Ste'e Bagg-ett . el1ief ol the Decatui' Volunlt•er Fit'l' Department. •A!,rrero to onh ~ ct "ith u collt'ction agrnc'. \nw1 ican Munic·ipal St•IvicPs, ou the rcC'nmmrndation of Darriu HuUtom. the to'm 's int<'l'im pol ire <·hief. llathorn 15aid the 'I e.xas– bast'ci eompan) '' ould trm·k do\\ n old fines at no cost to the IO\\n, then chru ~ a 25 pcn·cnt fee to the person" ho got the tickel. 'l'hc chief has been wm·k– ing to collect about $70,000 in old fines. lie said thnt. so far, his office hud C'OIIPCII'd ~!J,fif'm in old fines • Aldermen npproved thP purebase of smnll truck fm· the watc1· department.
Three streets on the cum– Cent1·al Community College will f'oon belong to the t•ollegt', not the (0\\11 of Decatur. Town aldermen app1 O\ l'd llll' transfpr of 6th and 7th tlvcnucH and !lth strt'Cl tltll'ing llwir monthly meeting.Jul.' :l. Mayor Handy Hushing said ECCC prcsidenl lk. Phil ~utphin had rcqueskd the deeds lo the rtvenucs, whif'h t·un through the collegl' emn– pus. becau~e they could he repaired b~ the Mississippi Department of Transportation. Mike Anderson of Wnrd 5 wanted to include 9th street. which connerts 6th and 7th avenues. in the transfl'l'. Ward 2 Alderman Mark Buntyn -:aid he wanl<'d the d<'al to bt• 'comprclwnsi\'e, pu~ of Enst
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