I signed up in Carthage East Central Community College's Artie Foreman Carthage above the Decatur-based institutions career an appraising eye Wednesday morning, June 29, on advan cement center slated for formal opening cer e– freshly finished sign on the south end of the square in monies in Au gust. EGG d s proje€t Sign mounted in Carthage as GED classes start
But the mission is established, he offered. "It is a place where custonuzed train– ing will take place, technical, profession– al and personal," he said. More than just an ECCC presence on the square, the center will serve to help stimulate the local economy, Knight said. "Our focus, ofcourse, first is business and industry." The key would be to work with "incum– bent workers and displaced workers," those already employed and those with– out jobs, to improve their job skills and help them get new or better jobs.
Though the sign went up Wednesday, June 29, the center was already in serv– ice, Kn1ght said. "We are already doing GED in there. We started GED about three weeks ago." When the center hits full stride on its mission to "support businesses, industry, individuals and communities," leading the effort will be Lucretia Williams, he said. Williams, a Leake County native, he said, would serve as personal develop– ment specialist and site coordinator.
Official grand opening ceremonies are ·~n-oo~rc: away, but signs of Uiings to come gone up in downtown Carthage. In a carefully orchestrated effort East Community College personnel ...,.1!;"'" in lettering establishing the old court offices as the school's Career a ............... Center. Full occupation and operation of the ..T.,,...,,... n,,T on the south end of the square Carthage, said Joseph Knight, director "ork force development, will be some in August. "\Ve have not set the actual date," he Friday.
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