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students. In recent years, Wood instituted the singing of the Alma ~ tater iAl the ~.:onclusion of the program. In addition to her outstanding service as a faculty member, Wood has also served twice as president of the Alumni Associa– tion. She spearheaded the effort to ~tnre Sullivan Park. an area adjacent to Newsome Hall donni– tory and named in honor of ~fu. Janie Huff Sullivan. cne f W
could 'not coac~ and the job was given to an agriculture teacher," Wood said. Being turned down for the coaching job might have been the best thing to happen for women's athletics, as it laid the foundation for Wood's ideas concerning opportunities for girls and v. omen w ,ports and ~oachi.ng. '·Man~ people pr '-3bl~ do DOl know lhai from • '5- ....ntil l9T, the dississippi J~.e r Col– lege Athletic Assoctation (~UCAA) did DOl recogni2e v. omen'!> basketbal.J as a sport. My second )ear at East Central (1957). a group of gi.rb. led by (the late) Sue Gunter (longume women s basketball coach at Louisiana State Uruversity and NCAA Hall of Fame inductee), wanted to play competitive bas– ketball. "Mr. Vmcent gave approval for us to play and we scheduled about 10 games. Sue, who later excelled as a senior college play– er and coach, always gave credit to East Central for 'jump-start– ing' her career. I have to give credit to Mr. Vincent for allowing all those girls who were members of our 'Club Teams' to follow their dreams and for allowing me to follow my dream of being a coach," Wood said Wood led those "ClubTeams"
serving in various capacities. She completed a 10-year tenure as Region 23 Director of Women's Athletics and was presented the NJCAA Service Award in 1990. She was inducted into the ECCC Athletic Hall of Fame in 1986 and in 1988 was honored by having the ECCCphysical educa– tion building named for her and All-American basketball player Demer Brackeen. who she also coached v.ith at East Central Her mast recent athletic hon– ors came in 200t and 2007 when she \\'aS inducted into theNJCAA Women·~ Basketball Coaches Hall of Fame and the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges Sports Hall of Fame, respectively. However, Wood said that her greatest reward was during Homecoming activities in 2003, when she organized a reunion of her fonner "Club Team" players and presented "letters" to them. In retirement, she plans to continue her relationship with East Central as a volunteer in the College's Foundation andAlumni Relations Office, working with Dr. Stacey Holliingsworth, exec– utive director. Wood already has her sights set on her next big proj– ect: the restoration of Founders' Gymnasium.
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